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Performing the Full Installation Most systems automatically reboot off the newly installed disks after the software subsets are loaded. If your system does not have this capability, the screen displays the boot commands required to boot from the newly created system disk. At the console prompt (>>>), enter the boot command sequence shown on your screen. Software configuration begins after the system boots. If you did not provide certain essential site-specific information (such as a root password, your system's host name, the date and time, and location and time zone) earlier in the installation procedure, you will be prompted to enter that information now. The kernel build procedure begins after software configuration. If you chose the option to customize kernel component selection during the full installation setup, a Kernel Option Selection menu is displayed after the system reboots. After you select and confirm your kernel options, you have the option to edit the configuration file. When the subsets are configured and the configuration file is completed, the installation procedure builds the kernel for your system. Post Installation Login and Setup When you log in to the system (with graphics capability) for the first time, the CDE login window is displayed. Enter root as the username and then enter the root password specified at the beginning of the installation. When you correctly enter this information, the following CDE components are displayed: The System Setup application appears, offering three setup options: Quick Setup invokes a wizard-like application that steps you through a basic set of system configuration tasks to let you quickly set up your system for general use. Custom Setup contains a complete list of configuration applications. Cloning provides information about the configuration cloning capability. Configuration cloning lets you replicate the configuration from a system that is already configured. Configuration cloning is documented in the Installation Guide -- Advanced Topics. The CDE Front Panel appears at the bottom of your screen. Installation Log Files The installation process creates a set of log files in the /var/adm/smlogs directory: The configuration description file used in cloning (for more information, see the Installation Guide - Advanced Topics): /var/adm/smlogs/install.cdf The general log file: /var/adm/smlogs/install.log 3 ­ 24 Installing the System The file system creation logs: /var/adm/smlogs/install.FS.log The log for the setld(8) utility: /var/adm/smlogs/setld.log The verification log file: /var/adm/smlogs/fverify.log Configuration Cloning Configuration cloning lets you duplicate the configuration from an already-configured system onto one or more target systems, eliminating the need to perform the configuration tasks as a separate operation. It is recommended that you use Configuration cloning to clone systems with similar hardware and functions. Configuration cloning is ideal for cloning the

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