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Now downloading free:Eurocap [snap-in] GPP Series

Eurocap [snap-in] GPP Series free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors Eurocap Eurocap [snap-in] GPP Series.pdf
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File name Eurocap [snap-in] GPP Series.pdf

GPP Series Features * Small low profile * 10mm terminal spacing for direct PCB mounting * Aluminium case with explosion proof vent * 2000 Hour lifetime Item Performance Characteristics Operating Temperature Range -40 to +85 deg C -25 to +85 deg C Working Voltage Range 10 to 100 Volts D.C. 160 to 450 Volts D.C. Nominal Capacitance Range 470 to 68000 uF 47 to 2700 uF Capacitance Tolerance +/- 20 % ( 120 Hz), 20 deg C Leakage Current (+20deg C) I <=0.02 CV after 5 Minutes Less than the value below: WVDC 10~16 25~35 50~63 80~100 160~250 350~450 uF Dissipation Factor % 47~390 15 20 (120 Hz, +20 deg C) 470~3900 25 20 20 20 15 20 4700~8200 35 30 30 25 10000~22000 40 35 30 27000~47000 45 40 35 56000~68000 50 45 Impedence Ratio at 120 Hz Stability at Low Temperature -25 to +20 deg C : 3 max -40 to +20 deg C : 12 max Test conditions Duration time: 2000 Hrs Ambient temperature: +85 deg C Load Life Applied voltage: Rated working voltage Ripple Current: Maximum rated ripple current. After testing--Measure at 20 deg C. Capacitance change: <= +/- 20% of initial measured value Dissipation factor: <= 200% of initial specified value Leakage current: <= The initial specified value Test Conditions Duration time: 500 Hrs

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