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Now downloading free:Panasonic SA-AK27

Panasonic SA-AK27 free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

File information:
File name:Schemi PANASONIC.part4.rar
[preview SA-AK27]
Size:1348 kB
Model:SA-AK27 🔎 SAAK27
Original:SA-AK27 🔎
Descr:SA-AK27 part4
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name PANASONIC SA-AK27_cd.pdf

TechInfo Sheet Audio Visual Product Group: Hi-Fi Audio Date: 17/01/00 Subject: Disc spacer comes off fax: 01344 853689 email:[email protected] Model: CR20 (CD Changer mechanism) Revision No: 1.0 Document No: 01 Symptom: The Disc spacer coming off affects other mechanical operations. The following symptoms will appear. * CD Changer operation does not work. * CD does not play. * CD tray does not open. This mechanism controls the switching of Disc Up/Down and Tray Open/Close operation using the Change gear. (Refer to following diagrams) If the Change gear does not drop down due to tight engaging between the Change gear and Drive gear when switching to Tray open/close operation, the disc spacer will come off. Cause: Panasonic CS U.K. 1 Document No: 01 Model: SA-AK27 TechInfo Sheet Audio Visual fax: 01344 853689 email:[email protected] Remedy: Replace the Change gear spring to a stronger one . Action on production: From October 1999 onwards Panasonic CS U.K. 2 Document No: 01 Model: SA-AK27
File name PANASONIC SA-AK27_suppl.pdf

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18-01-2012rhristov1001I can't open the "pdf" files!

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