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1 07/11185 lUIEGBAIlD~_A~Q_QE~ELne!EHI_GUlQELlHES AHQ_~aU~EHIIDHS f~r the N~S/VE product set 1.-1 Integration and Dewelopmant Guidelines and Conventions 07/11/85 1.0 INTRODUCTION T~ls document describes the process for Integration and development of the NOS/VE product set. It is directed maInlY toward the role of development in theIr Interaction with Integration. An overview of our catalog structure Is discussed first. This 'neludes the residence of all the NOS/VE oroduct's source and the structure of a completed, Installed product set. Th.e source for each product must be If! NOSIVE Source Code utility format. The conventions for these SCU 'Ibrarles are given In sectIon 3. Section 4 will prove useful as a guide for all of our available special proc.dures and tools. If a developer Is transmitting 8 new oroduct to lntegratlon, he or she must provide a short verlflcatlon Job and a qulckloo~ test whIch are run after the completion 0' each build cycle. The InstructIons for this process are given in section 5. Sections band 7 dascrlbe our develooment procedures. These procedures were written in Arden Hills ~or their operatIng system development and we have adopted them In Sunnyvale for the products. Appendix A gives a summary of each command and its parameters. 2-1 IntegratIon and Development Guidelines and Conventions ______________ 4 _________________________________

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