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Now downloading free:CAMERON KONKA ks21tk305a chassis 21SL40 sm

CAMERON KONKA ks21tk305a chassis 21SL40 sm free download

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Model:KONKA ks21tk305a chassis 21SL40 sm 🔎
Original:KONKA ks21tk305a chassis 21SL40 sm 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment CAMERON KS21TK305A chassis 21SL40 CAMERON_KONKA_ks21tk305a_chassis_21SL40_sm.pdf
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File name CAMERON_KONKA_ks21tk305a_chassis_21SL40_sm.pdf

SERVICE MANUAL Color Television Receiver Model: KS21TK305A PDF "pdfFactory Pro" SERVICE MANUAL CONTENTS I. IMPORTANT SERVICE SAFETY INFORMATION... ...3 II. ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES PLEASE READ BEFORE ATTEMPTING SERVICE... 5 III. TV SPECIFICATION... ... ... ...5 IV. TV ADJUSTMENT 7 V. IC INFORMATION... ... ... ...12 1. PHILIPS UOCIII CHIP (N603) 12 2. SWITCH POWER IC (N901) 41 3. VERTICAL DEFLECTION BOOSTER (N401) 45 4. AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER (N202) 49 5. EEPROM 24C16 (N602) 52 VI. TV BLOCK DIAGRAM 57 Appendix 1: Schematic Circuit Diagram 58 Appendix 2: PCB Layout Diagram 59 Appendix 3: Exploded Views 63 2 PDF "pdfFactory Pro" SERVICE MANUAL IMPORTANT SERVICE SAFETY INFORMATION Operating the receiver outside of its cabinet or with its back removed involves a shock hazard. Work on these models should only be performed by those who are thoroughly familiar with precautions necessary when working on high voltage equipment. Exercise care when servicing this chassis with power applied. Many B plus and high voltage RF terminals are exposed which, if carelessly contacted, can cause serious shock or result in damage to the chassis. Maintain interconnecting ground lead connections between chassis, escutcheon, picture tube dag and tuner when operating chassis. These receivers have a "polarized" AC line cord. The AC plug is designed to fit into standard AC outlets in one direction only. The wide blade connects to the "ground side" and the narrow blade connects to the hot "side" of the AC line. This assures that the TV receiver is properly grounded to the house wiring. If an extension cord must be used, make sure it is of the "polarized" type. Since the chassis of this receive is connected to one side of the AC supply during operation, service should not be

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