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Descr:Diagrama de claves Daewoo
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Model: Model: DTC-14 V1/V3/V4/V5/U1 TM DTC-20 V1/V3/V4/V5/U1 TM DTC-21 V1/V3/V4/U1/U3 TM CHASSIS: Standarts CP-002 14 CP-375 A5/A5T/Q1/Q1T/Q2/Q2T/Q3/Q3T/T1/T1T/T2/T2T 20 A5/A5T/Q1/Q1T/Q2/Q2T/Q3/Q3T/T1/T1T/T2/T2T 21 A5/A5T/Q1/Q1T/Q2/Q2T/Q4/Q4T/T1/T1T/T2/T2T C14M7E : PALB/G for West Europe (Non-TXT) C14M7F : PALB/G, SECAM-L for France (Non-TXT) C14T7B : PAL- I for U.K (TXT) C14M7B : PAL- I for U.K (Non-TXT) C14T7L : PAL - I/I for Ireland (TXT) C14M7L : PAL - I/I for Ireland (NonTXT) DVT-14F6 DVT-20F6 DVT-14F8 DVT-20F8 LA/PA/FA/DA/HA LA/PA/FA/DA/HA LA/PA/FA/DA/HA LA/PA/FA/DA/HA CP-420 DVT-21F1 LA/PA/FA DVT-21F2 LA/PA/FA DTC-25G1VM (NO TXT) DTC-29G1VM (NO TXT) DTC-25G3VMR (NO TXT) DTC-25G4VMS (NO TXT) DTC-25G7VM (NO TXT) DTC-29G1TM (TXT) DTC-25G1TM (TXT) CP-420R1 CM-900 PAL/SECAM-B/G, D/K, I, H NTSC-4.43/3.58 file:///I|/GEORG/SHEMY-3/MODEL-SCHASSIS/daewoo_chassis.htm (1 of 2) [27.03.2003 12:21:15] Model: DTC-29Z9 DTY-29Z9 29Z9PIP CM-915 PAL/SECAM-B/G, D/K, I NTSC-4.43/3.58 M file:///I|/GEORG/SHEMY-3/MODEL-SCHASSIS/daewoo_chassis.htm (2 of 2) [27.03.2003 12:21:15]

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