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Jean JD199E free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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File name:Jean JD199E.part2.rar
[preview JD199E]
Size:1728 kB
Model:JD199E 🔎
Original:JD199E 🔎
Descr:Jean JD199E.part2
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
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File name 199ESPEC.pdf

JD199E Service Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS ! ! " # " " " " # " " $ " " $ ! % ! % " % % " " & % % " " " & & " & " & '' & ## & # ( ! & "" % &! # & &% & && & ) " ") " " ! # JD199E Service Manual 1. PRECAUTION AND NOTICES 1.1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ! " # $ % &'() *+ ',-' . / 0 0 + 1 ( (2 0 % 34 5 (2 (2 3 4 34 6 (2 +*** 7 2 +** * *+(2 3 4 0 8 (2 +** *+ 3 4 ' (2 (2 (2 0 34 9 0 : '8; % (2 ( 0 1.2. PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE 8 1 % &'() JD199E Service Manual 1.3. SERVICE NOTES 3 0 4 + ! # $ # + 6 < 1.4. HIGH VOLTAGE WARNING =0 8 1 0 8 2 -9 & 8 -9 0 % 0 -9 >#9 #9 *,$*9 (2 - -9 ; ? @ 2 0 % % -9 2'% - 9 ; *# 3 4 3(2 (2 4 % ' " - JD199E Service Manual 2. SERVICE TOOL & EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 86A%?8=%=' ;2?AA;25= ! ;2'= "'?9=' $ ?'@ + (1;'1=' > ;A"=' 3. SPECIFICATIONS 3.1. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ;7 9 ;7 " 5 7 " 7 ;7 " ;7 2 7 ' 7 50 '7 9 ; 7 ; ; 7 ; . 7 5 ; 7 5 27 B ? " . ; % : ? 3" 4 *> **" !>* 0 C* $>* 6 2 6 >** 0 ** **8- 'D1 ( *C9 C+ -,9 ; %%A ,2 ,; A 5 @ !* #- B+ #- - +* - >* - 9 (2 **$*9 >*-,+*- !* 0 % 5 8 , 7 ;%(%= @ ;%(@"1) ;6;5=@" .. - ; @ .. @ .. 9 ; @ @ .. .. 5 3 4 *(%%; +(%%; +(%%; +(%%; A=" D'==@ '(@D= '(@D= '(@D= ! JD199E Service Manual 3.2. FACTORY PRESET MODE TIMING CHART 8"= @ ' - ; 5 9 ; 5 - . - 5 - . 5 - ; - 1 5 - 1 - ( 9 9 . 9 5 9 . 5 9 ; 9 1 5 9 1 9 ( 9 ? ? >$*0!+* ! " !C:> >$! *> *! !*$: >*B+ *!C :+*:* C+$ *:$+ **CB +:+ +*B B$$ @ ? C*0$**
File name M-pcb.pdf

9. PCB LAYOUT 9.1. MAIN PCB TOP VIEW JD199E/P 12/20/1999 -19-
File name POWER.pdf

File name U-con.pdf

6.1. U-CONTROL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM JD199E 12/20/1999 -11-
File name V-pcb.pdf

9.3. CRT PCB TOP VIEW JD199E/P 12/20/1999 -21-
File name VIDEO.pdf

6.2. VIDEO SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM JD199E 12/20/1999 -12-

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