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SECTION 3 PARTS LIST 3.1 DVC MECHANISM ASSEMBLY 400/900 900A 401/901 402/902 410/910 402/902 404/904 410/977 403/903 408/908 413/913 409/909 Classification Part No. Symbol in drawing Grease KYODO-SH-JB AA BB Oil YTU94027 Grease (HANARL) RX-410R CC NOTE1: The section marked in AA, BB and CC indicate lubrication and greasing areas. is not contained in 900A. NOTE2: Mark 414/914 478/978 412/912 413/913 CC 415/915 405/905 416/916 411/911 422/922 419/919 425/925 424/924 CC 418/918 421/921 421/921 CC 463/963 417/917 463/963 465/965 463/963 429/929 AA BB 428/928 AA 476/976 479/979 430/930 437/937 437/937 437/937 436A/936A 449/949 450/950 441/941 435/935 456/956 434/934 AA CC 431/931 453/953 453/953 454/954 448/948 445/945 452/952 AA 455/955 446/946 AA 466/966 459/959 AA 458/958 457/957 460/960 447/947 444/944 451/951 461/961 432/932 438/938 436/936 436B/936B 436B/936B 440/940 440/940 443/943 442/942 439/939 451/951 464/964 433/933 420/920 402/902 406/906 462/962 406/906 CC 407/907 AA Fig.3-1-1 (No.86700)3-1 3.1.1 DVC MECHANISM ASSEMBLY PART LIST · Since parts numbers described here are the numbers at the time of manualissue, they are subject to change without notice. Therefore, be sure to see a parts list in the service manual of each model as for parts numbers. · To distinguish the mechanism assembly with the symbol number of 400-499 from the mechanism assembly with the symbol number of 900-999, see the following procedures. (1) See the numbers on the backside of the MAIN DECK ASSY. For example, "29D******" is printed on the backside of the mechanism assembly with the symbol number of 900-999 (YMA0029D in this example). See the first three characters and numbers from the left. (2) See the color of the SLIT WASHER on the REEL DISK (TU). A red slit washer is used (the same color as a slit washer of CASSETTE GUIDE (SUP)) in the mechanism assembly with the symbol number of 400-499. A black slit washer is used in the mechanism assembly with the symbol number of 900-999. However, the black slit washer may be changed into a red one for the purpose of parts unification. (3) See the color of the CASSETTE GUIDE(SUP). Light-brown CASSETTE GUIDE(SUP) is used in the mechanism assembly with the symbol number of 400-499. Black CASSETTE GUIDE(SUP) is used in the mechanism assembly with the symbol number of 900-999. (4) See the shape of the LED PRISM. LED PRISM consists of only resin in the mechanism assembly with the symbol number of 400-499. Upper part of the LED PRISM is covered with black metal in the mechanism assembly with the symbol number of 900-999. < TOP VIEW > < BOTTOM VIEW > MAIN DECK ASSY (4) LED PRISM (2) SLIT WASHER (3) CASSETTE GUIDE (SUP) Part Name MECHA(A) ASSY MECHA(A)ASSY CASSETTE HOUSING ASSY MINI SCREW,X3 UPPER BASE ASSY MINI SCREW DRUM ASSY DAMP.SCREW ASSY,X2 DAMP.SCREW ASSY REEL DISK ASSY (SUP) REEL DISK ASSY (TU) SLIT WASHER,X2 or X1 REEL COVER ASSY MINI SCREW MINI SCREW,X2 SLIT WASHER TENSION ARM ASSY SLANT POLE ARM ASSY TU ARM

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