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Now downloading free:Rohm umh3n imh3a h3 sot23-6sot363

Rohm umh3n imh3a h3 sot23-6sot363 free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Active components Transistors Rohm umh3n_imh3a_h3_sot23-6sot363.pdf
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Transistors General purpose (dual digital transistors) UMH3N / IMH3A FFeatures FExternal dimensions (Units: mm) 1) Two DTAK13Ts chips in a UMT or SMT package. 2) Mounting possible with UMT3 or SMT3 automatic mounting ma- chines. 3) Transistor elements are indepen- dent, eliminating interference. FStructure Epitaxial planar type NPN silicon transistor The following characteristics apply to both DTr1 and DTr2. FAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25_C) (96-480-C143T) 545 Transistors UMH3N / IMH3A FElectrical characteristics (Ta = 25_C) FPackaging specifications FElectrical characteristic curves 546

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