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Samseng SGH-D410 free download

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File name:SVC Manual for SGH-D410.pdf
[preview SGH-D410]
Size:946 kB
Model:SGH-D410 🔎 SGHD410
Descr:SVC Manual for SGH-D410
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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File name SVC Manual for SGH-D410.pdf

GSM TELEPHONE SGH-D410 Manual SERVICE GSM TELEPHONE CONTENTS 1. Specification 2. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 3. Exploded Views and Parts List 4. Electrical Parts List 5. Block Diagrams 6. PCB Diagrams 1. SGH-D410 Specification 1. GSM General Specification GSM900 EGSM 900 DCS1800 PCS1900 Phas e 1 Phas e 2 Phas e 1 Fr eq. Band[MHz] 890~915 880~915 1710~1785 1850~1910 Uplink/ Downli nk 935~960 925~960 1805~1880 1930~1990 0~124 & ARFCN r ange 1~124 512~885 512~810 975~1023 Tx/ Rx s paci ng 45MHz 45MHz 95MHz 80MHz Mod. Bit rate/ 270.833kbps 270.833kbps 270.833kbps 270.833kbps Bit Period 3.692us 3.692us 3.692us 3.692us Ti me Slot 576.9us 576.9us 576.9us 576.9us Peri od/Fr ame Per iod 4.615ms 4.615ms 4.615ms 4.615ms Modulati on 0 . 3 GM S K 0.3GMSK 0 . 3 GM S K 0.3GMSK MS Power 33dBm~13dBm 33dBm~5dBm 30dBm~0dBm 30dBm~0dBm Power Cl a ss 5pcl ~ 15pcl 5pcl ~ 19pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl Sensit ivit y - 102dBm -102dBm - 100dBm - 100dBm TDMA Mux 8 8 8 8 Cell Radius 35Km 35Km 2Km - 1-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-D410 Specification 2. GSM TX power class TX Power TX Power TX Power control GSM900 control DCS1800 control DCS1800 level level level 5 33±2dBm 0 30±3dBm 0 30±3dBm 6 31±2dBm 1

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