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File information:
File name:README.TXT
Size:12 kB
Model:te988-rv 🔎 te988rv
Descr:circuit board layout
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
Multipart: 0

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File name README.TXT

Notes( TOOLs version 1.00) 1). PC-ECR network Our PC-ECR network is star mode, and user can link 16 ECRs in the network( with two EHTC 8-serialport cards). If user don't have EHTC 8-serialport card, user can use standard serialport like COM1 to COM4( provided by PC),but then can only link one ECR to PC and this ECR is called ECR1 by communication TOOLs. Users are recommended to get two EHTC cards to make the most of our network. 2). Cable Our ECR has a 25-pin female connector, user can link it with PC's 25-pin male connector directly. If the distance between PC and ECR is rather long, a cable is needed. The cable only need 3 lines (RS232-c: RXD,TXD and GND), and it should be fixed as the following way: -- -- -- -- -- / | | \ --------- == == --------- / | | \ -- | | | | -- \ | | / --------- == == --------- \ | | / -- -- -- -- -- 25-pin Male a cable 25-pin Female connector from PC connector from ECR || || || \/ ---- ---- | \ line 1(TXD) / | | pin2 --------------------------- pin2 | | line 2(RXD) | | pin3 --------------------------- pin3 | | line 3(GND) | | pin7 --------------------------- pin7 | | / \ | ---- ---- The length of cable can be 100 meters (with twisted line cable) or more ( with whole braided shield cable). 3). Example We provide an example in this TOOLs, the ECRtype ECR12xx is a pre- set ECRtype as an example, and also some other config settings (e.g. COM1 with <9600,E,8,1> settings) and ECR settings ( e.g. plu,dep, systemflag... settings of ECR12xx) are provided. You can modify these settings, add/delete types as you wanted. Note: when you add ECR type, you will be asked to input the Plu, Dep,Clerk,Group numbers. The Department-number is maximum department-number+coupon+FCEitem( if you ECR has, e.g. if your ECR has 40 departments and a coupon and a FCE item, the department-number will be 42.) 4). BGI files We provide ".bgi" files to support this TOOLs running in Graphic mode, if your video monitor is EGA/VGA, it is very good to run in Graphic mode. To copy egavga.bgi file to TOOLs's directory will make TOOLs run in Graphic mode. While you have a Hercules monitor, it is better to run this TOOLs in text mode. Don't copy herc.bgi to the TOOLs's directory will ensure the TOOLs run in text mode. 5). Mouse Users are highly recommended to use a mouse in TOOLs. Since diffe- rent mouse manufacturers provide several kinds of mouse drivers, in our tests, we found a few mouse drivers are not suitable completely in our TOOLs.If you find the mouse can't

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