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Now downloading free:Motorola M1225/P1225

Motorola M1225/P1225 free download

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File information:
File name:M1225 ver03.part1.rar
Size:1000 kB
Model:M1225/P1225 🔎
Descr:Software for M1225/P1225 ver3.0
Group:Electronics > Radio stations > HAM radio-stations
Multipart: 0  1  2

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Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name README.TXT

------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOTOROLA Radius 1225 Series Radio Service Software Version 3.1 Release Build 2 Copyright (c) Motorola, 1996-1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION: This software is Version 3.0 of the 1225 Series RSS. It supports the R1225 Repeater, and the M1225 and P1225 radios. This release includes several improvements and fixes relative to the original 1225 Series RSS. Details may be found below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: COMPUTER: IBM PC-compatible system, with at least 4 MB of RAM. OPERATING SYSTEM: This software was designed to run on the Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, Windows for Workgroups, and Windows 95 operating systems. DISK: The installation will need to install files in your Windows system directory (typically c:\windows\system) as well as the specified application directory (typically c:\mrss\1225). If your application directory is on a different drive from your Windows system directory, make sure you have adequate space on both. SPACE REQUIRED: Windows System directory 3.2 MB (*) Application directory 1.1 MB (*) This includes several files which are typically already installed on a Windows-based system; therefore, the installation may not actually use that much space. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLATION: Insert disk1 and run A:\setup.exe ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What's New! 1) Included software patch(bug fix) that disabled radio programming in release 3.0 using the phone screen in conjunction with assigning a signalling system. 2) Totally Redesigned GUI similar to the 1225.LS RSS 3) New Radio Service Procedures to reduce radio tuning time. 4) New PA Board Replacement Wizard for the GR1225 5) Progress Meter in bottom right corner. 6) New Read/Write Archive window. 7) Enable All/ Disable All Alert Tone feature for the P1225. 8) New installation wizard. 9) New RF/Logic Board Replacement Wizard. 10) New "How Do I..." section in Help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Did You Know? *...that the RSS contains an extensive On-Line Help system that can answer most of your navigation and configuration questions (including How Do I..) quickly and easily. *...that the RSS saves a list of your most recently read archive files that you can easily access from the File menu option. *...that at any time you can select "Radio Information Summary" (the button with the radio and the "i" on it) and get information about the radio you have loaded in the RSS. *...that the RSS now supports the M1225 4 channel mobile and the R1225 1-10Watt repeater. *...that the

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