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Now downloading free:chromatics 070202A CGC 7900 Disk Operating System Users Manual Nov82

chromatics 070202A CGC 7900 Disk Operating System Users Manual Nov82 free download

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DISK OPERATING SYSTEM USER'S MANUAL (INCLUDING ASSEMBLER AND TEXT EDITOR) CGC 7900 SERIES COLOR GRAPHICS COMPUTERS CHROMATICS cae 1900 COLOR GRAPHICS COMPUTER SYSTEM 1900 DOS MANUAL (with Assembler and Text Editor) November, 1982 Copyright (C) 1982 by Chromatics, Inc. 2558 Mountain Industrial Boulevard Tucker, Georgia 30084 Phone (404) 493-7000 TWX 810-766-8099 Document Number 070202 Revision A PUBLICATION COMMENT FORM Please use this sheet to give us feedback on the enclosed documentation. Your comments on errors or omissions, suggested changes, format of presentation, etc., will be helpful in preparing future manuals. Wherever possible, refer to specific page numbers in your comments below. After completing this form, mail to: Chromatics, Inc. 2558 Mountain Industrial Boulevard Tucker, GA 30084 Attn: R&D Department Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Company Name: Name/Model Number of Product: ____________________________ Title of Publication: Date of Publication Release: Preliminary?_____ Page No. Comments CONVENTIONS USED III THIS DOCUMEllT 1. Any keys which have labeled caps will be called by their full names, capitalized and underlined. For example, the carriage return' key will be denoted by: RETURN 2. The modifier keys, CTRL, SHIFT, M1, and M2, must be held down while striking the key they are""t'O"modify. Note that these four keys do not generate any characters on their own, but Simply modify the character which is struck simultaneously. This process of holding down a modifier key while striking another key will be denoted by the modifier AND the key being underlined together. For example, CTRL F would indicate that the CTRL key should be held down while striking the F key. If two or more:IDodifiers are needed Simultaneously, they will all be underlined together: CTRL SHIFT T would mean that BOTH modifiers, ~ and ~, should be held down while striking the T key. 3. Variable parameters will be enclosed in angle brackets, < >. Any items enclosed in these brackets will be explained in full in the text which immediately follows. 4. Optional parameters will be enclosed in SQuare brackets [ ]. Any items which may be repeated will be followed by an ellipsis (three dots)

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