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Now downloading free:Acon [screw terminal] CDF Series

Acon [screw terminal] CDF Series free download

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors Acon Acon [screw terminal] CDF Series.pdf
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File name Acon [screw terminal] CDF Series.pdf

CDF Series Screw Type CDF Farad Grade Features Our CDF series, which are so-called "Global Capacitance", are "Faraday-grade" capacitors. This series has filled the emptiness of the nation in "Faraday-grade" aluminum electrolytic capacitors. They have the characteristics of HIGH CV,LOW ESR.and good performances. These enhance the capability of energy-storage and ripple-filtering, and also eliminating the interference caused by low frequency. Thus help to solve the problem of distortion and arrive at the boundary of "highest-grade music" when used in high-end audio amplifiers. These products are also widely used in auto-seller machines, sophisticated testing equipments, all sorts of industrial machines, sophisticated testing equipments, all sorts of industrial machines, robots and other high-tech and low voltage DC or pulse circuits . Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Operating Temperature -25~+85 Range Voltage Range 16~20VDC Capacitance Range 1.0~20.0F Capacitance

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