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Now downloading free:Wincap [non-polar radial] R85NP Series

Wincap [non-polar radial] R85NP Series free download

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors Wincap Wincap [non-polar radial] R85NP Series.pdf
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File name Wincap [non-polar radial] R85NP Series.pdf

R 85 NP 85oC Non-Polarized Standard Features Standard non-polarized series for entertainment electronics Suitable for reversing polarity DC voltage circuits Specifications Electrical Characteristics Item R 85 NP Life 2000 Hours at 85oC Operating Temp. Range -40oC to +85oC Capacitance Tolerance 10% (K) 20% (M) (at 20oC, 120Hz) I = 0.03 CV or 4 A whichever is greater Leakage Current (After 5 minutes application of rated DC working voltage at 20 oC) ( A Max. at 20oC) I=Leakage Current ( A) C=Rated Capacitance ( F) V=Rated Voltage (V) Dissipation Factor Rated Voltage 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 (tan , at 20oC, 120Hz) Tan (Max.) 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.16 0.15 0.12 0.10 Temperature Rated Voltage 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 Characteristics Impedance Z(-25oC) / Z(+20oC) 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 o o (at 120Hz) Ratio Z(-40 C) / Z(+20 C) 10 8 6 5 4 4 3 3 Life Test 1. Load Life Voltage (V) 6.3 to 16 25 to 100 within 25% of within 20% of (after applying rated Capacitance Change the initial value the initial value voltage at 85oC for 2000 hours with the Dissipation Factor less than 150% of the specified value polarity inverted Leakage Current not more than the specified value every 250 hours) For shelf life leakage current measurement, the rated voltage shall be applied to the 2. Shelf Life capacitors for a minimum of 30 minutes for at least 24 hours and not more than 48 (no voltage applied at hours before the measurements. 85oC 1000 hours) Reference Standard Characteristics W of JIS C - 5141 and JIS C - 5102 Diagram of Dimensions Lead Spacing and Diameter D 5 6 8 10 13 16 18 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 7.5 d 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.5 2.0

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