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File name:readme_e.txt
Size:2 kB
Model:readme e 🔎
Original:readme e 🔎
Descr: Advantest Advantest R3264_252C67_252C73 Manual set (English & Japanese) from manufacturer_2527s cd readme_e.txt
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name readme_e.txt

README IMPORTANT INFORMATION-PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS MANUAL AND THE PRODUCT IT RELATES TO. * Please read and follow this manual carefully before and when using the related product. * Information contained in this manual is subject to change. Advantest reserves the right to update, modify or otherwise change the contents of this manual from time to time without prior notice. Please contact our sales department from time to time to determine the availability of a more recent version. * This manual and all information contained herein is protected by national and international copyright laws and treaties. This manual may only be used for your own personal use in connection with your use of the related product. Without limitation, any reproduction, modification, distribution, public display or other use of this manual is expressly prohibited. This manual may only be used with the product it relates to and such product should only be used in accordance with the most recent version of this manual. * This manual is provided "AS IS" and without representations or warranties of any kind. Advantest hereby expressly disclaims, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, any and all representations and warranties, whether express, implied or statutory, including without limitation any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or accuracy and any warranties that may arise out of course of performance, course of dealing or usage of trade. In no event will Advantest be liable for any damages arising in relation to the manual or reliance on this manual or any information contained herein. * You acknowledge that this manual and/or the product it relates to may be subject to export control regulations. You are solely responsible for complying with all applicable laws and obtaining any required authorizations, permits, licenses or other approvals in connection with importing or exporting this manual or the product it relates to or the use of the foregoing in any jurisdiction. * If you have any questions, please contact the nearest ADVANTEST office or ADVANTEST's sales representatives. * Do not play this CD-ROM in audio CD players. Use Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader 4.0 or later to open the pdf files. Adobe, Acrobat are either registered trademarks of Adobe Systems incorporated in the United Stated and/or other countries. Copyright 2002 ADVANTEST CORPORATION. All rights reserved. First printing March 27, 2002

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