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File name:OWNERS MANUAL ISUP_Spinera_2021.pdf
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File name OWNERS MANUAL ISUP_Spinera_2021.pdf

OWNERS MANUAL ISUP INFLATABLE STAND UP PADDLE BOARD Thank you for choosing SPINERA. Before using your new product, please take a minute to read the following warning and safety information. This manual is intended to alert you to potential hazards that may occur in all water sports. SAFETY Paddle Sports can be dangerous. The user of this product acknowledges, understands and assumes the risks involved in paddle sports. The user must observe the warning labels and safety standards! WARNING For your own safety and that of your equipment, make sure to read the entire manual. Failure to follow the warning notices and instructions may result in property damage, serious injury or death. WARNING Use of this product and participation in the sport involves inherent risks of injury or death. To reduce risks: Use of this product and participation in the sport involves inherent risks of injury or death. To reduce risks: Working pressure: 15 psi This product does not protect against drowning. Only for swimmers. Always wear a properly fitted EN ISO 12402-5 approved personal flotation device or any equivalent approved vest. This product is not a personal flotation device. Always read Userīs Manual before use. Fully inflate air chamber Save distance to shore 150 m For max. 1 Person with a maximum weight like indicated for this product. Do not use in wild water Never use in breaking waves, riptide, river rapids, thunderstorms or lighting conditions Never use this product in offshore current. Never use this product in offshore wind conditions. Not for children 14 years of age and below If you are under the age of 18, you must have a legal guardian read these warnings and safety precautions. Do not use this product without adult supervision. Always supervise children in water Donīt dive under the Board. Always use extreme caution when using this product. Never act in a careless manner when using this product. Misuse of this product may result in serious injury or death. Only use this product if you are in good physical health, and know how to swim. You are responsible for you own safety and the safety of others around you when using product Before using this product, the user should take lessons from a certified school. This product should not be used by anyone who is not experienced with Stand-up Paddling Never use this product without a proper surf leash. A loose Stand-up board in water is extremely dangerous to you, and everyone around you. Failure to use a surf leash may result in serious injury or death. Check your equipment prior to each use for signs of wear, leaks or failure and replace it if you see any sign of wear. Do not use this product under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication Always paddle with an experienced partner when using this product. Always observe all applicable watercraft laws, Co

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