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File information:
File name:remouve loocked 13 for ford 5000.txt
Size:0 kB
Model:3000,4000,5000 🔎
Descr:unloocked 13 for ford radios
Group:Electronics > Automobile
Multipart:No multipart

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Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name remouve loocked 13 for ford 5000.txt

try to keep pressed "1" and "6" or only "6" and you have more chans or Try this: 1. Drivers door open - leave open. 2. Ign. ON. - Use RED key only. 3. Radio ON. 4. Press and hold presets 1, 3 and 6. 5. Ign. OFF then back ON within 1 second. 6. Release presets 1, 3 and 6. 7. Radio OFF. 8. Ign. OFF. Repeat the above the same number of times that is showing on the display when you started. i.e: 10 or 13. Maybe this works and send result!

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User ratings and reviews for this file:

15-01-2011loudi1Ford radios have 10 user attempts at the code, there are an additional 3 goes but you have to know the 2 buttons to hold in, after 13 attemps the radio requires an ACP (RS485) interface to enable a further 10 attemps. I have the SW but no PC to run it on
05-02-2009M1DJF1This does not work you need a unlock tool so do not even bother to try
25-04-2007JetPilot5Proceedure only and a guess at that

Average rating for this file: 3.50 ( from 4 votes)

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