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HP HP34970A free download

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File name:HP34970A.pdf
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Model:HP34970A 🔎
Original:HP34970A 🔎
Descr:Scanning 6.5 digit multi meter DMM user manual with small signal and RF switching matrix.
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment
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File name HP34970A.pdf

Agilent 34970A Data Acquisition/Switch Unit Product Overview Agilent performance at a fraction of the cost of other standalone data acquisition systems Table of Contents 4 Features 6 Using the 34970A for data logging applications 7 Data Logging Feature Checklist 8 Using the 34970A for ATE applications 9 ATE Feature Checklist 10 Using the 34970A for switching applications 11 Customize your 34970A with plug-in modules 11 Modules-at-a-Glance Selection Guide 12 Agilent Quality 13 Spec Interpretation Guide 14 Accuracy Specifications 16 System Specifications 16 Software 17 Modules Specifications 18 Multiplexers (34901A, 34902A, and 34908A) 20 Actuator module (34903A) 20 Matrix module (34904A) 21 RF Multiplexer modules (34905A, 34906A) 22 Multifunction module (34907A) 23 Rack Mounting and Dimensions 24 Ordering Information Price and performance beyond compare Custom configurations that-grow with you Go ahead and compare the Agilent Technologies Three module slots and eight switch/control 34970A Data Acquisition/Switch Unit with other modules allow you to customize the 34970A to data acquisition systems currently available. You'll meet your unique requirements. Buy only what find it hard to come up with a system that offers you need--and add more modules later as your the powerful measurement performance, flexibility, application grows. and ease of use of the 34970A-- even in systems costing three to five times as much. Unequaled ease of use How did we manage to pack so much performance From the simplified configuration procedures, into such a low-cost instrument? We borrowed tech- to the self-guiding front panel interface, we put nology developed for our top-of-the-line products in extra time and energy to save yours. Simple and put it into a package that cuts assembly time, things like on-module screw-terminal connectors, incorporates custom ICs to reduce parts count, and built-in thermocouple reference junctions, well- simplifies production testing. That means it costs organized user documentation full of examples us less to make. The results? You spend less with- and hints, and a standard Getting Started kit that out sacrificing quality or performance. will have you making measurements 15 minutes out of the box all add up to increased productivity, whether you use the instrument every day or What can you expect from a data acquisition only now and then. system that's this affordable? Measurements you-can trust Free software to-save you time-and money We took the measurement engine from our best- Now you don't have to spend your valuable time

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