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AEA PK232MBX free download

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File information:
File name:Pcpakratt55a
Size:465 kB
Model:PK232MBX 🔎
Descr:Besturing software voor pk232
Group:Electronics > Automobile
Multipart:No multipart

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disp z Connect Link state is: DISCONNECTED UPlink Unproto MARS 3Rdparty OFF 8Bitconv OFF AAb DE NN0TOA NTOA ABaud 300 ACKprior OFF ACRDisp 0 ACRPack ON ACRRtty 71 ADelay 4 (40 msec.) AFilter OFF ALFDisp ON ALFPack OFF ALFRtty ON ALTModem 0 ARQTmo 60 (60 sec.) ARQTOL 3 ARXTor OFF ASPect 2 (576) ATxrtty 0 (000 msec.) AUdelay 2 (20 msec.) AUTOBaud OFF AWlen 8 Ax25l2v2 OFF AXDelay 0 (00 msec.) AXHang 0 (000 msec.) BBSmsgs OFF Beacon EVERY 0 (00 sec.) BItinv $00 BKondel ON BText CANline $18 (CTRL-X) CANPac $19 (CTRL-Y) CASedisp 0 (as is) CBell OFF CFrom all CHCall OFF CHDouble OFF CHeck 30 (300 sec.) CHSwitch $00 CMdtime 10 (1000 msec.) CMSg OFF CODe 0 (International) COMmand $03 (CTRL-C) CONMode CONVERSE CONPerm OFF CONStamp OFF CPactime OFF CRAdd OFF CText CUstom $4A14 CWid $06 (CTRL-F) DAYStamp OFF DCdconn OFF DELete OFF DFrom all DIDdle OFF DWait 16 (160 msec.) EAS ON Echo ON ERrchar $5F (_) EScape OFF FAXNeg OFF Flow ON FRack 1 (1 sec.) FREe 18536 FRIck 0 (00 msec.) FSpeed 2 (120) FUlldup OFF GENDchar $0D (CTRL-M) GINIText GLOCtx 0 (00 sec.) GNMEA1 $GPGLL GNMEA2 GPOLLcal none GPSAuto OFF GPSMode 0 GREMprog OFF GSYMchar $00 GUNstart OFF GRaphics 1 (960 dots) GUsers 0 HBaud 300 HEAderln ON HEReis $02 (CTRL-B) HId OFF HOMebbs NN0MUC ILfpack ON KILONFWD ON LAstmsg 0 LEftrite ON LIte OFF MAildrop OFF MARsdisp OFF MAXframe 1 MBEll OFF MBx none MCon 0 (none) MDigi ON MDMon ON MDPrompt Subject:/Enter Message, ^Z (CTRL-Z) or /EX to End MFIlter $80 MFrom all MId 0 (00 sec.) MMsg ON Monitor 6 (seq, P/F + all) MOPtt ON MProto ON MRpt ON MSPeed 20 MStamp OFF MTExt Welcome to my MARS PK232 Mailbox - Type "H" for HELP MTo none MWeight 10 MXmit ON MYAlias GECI MYALTcal GECI MYcall NN0TOA MYGate NN0TOA-2 MYIdent VVOTOAA MYMail NN0TOA-4 MYPTcall NN0TOA MYSelcal NTOA NAVMsg all NAVStn all NEwmode ON NOmode OFF NUCr OFF NULf OFF NULLs 0 PACLen 64 PACTime AFTER 10 (1000 msec.) PARity 0 (none) PASs $16 (CTRL-V) PASSAll OFF PErsist 63 PPersist OFF PRCon OFF PRFax ON PROut OFF PRType 2 PT200 ON PTHuff 1 PTOver $1A (CTRL-Z) PTRound OFF RBaud 75 RECeive $04 (CTRL-D) REDispla $12 (CTRL-R) RELink OFF RESptime 0 (000 msec.) REtry 10 RFec ON RFRame OFF RXRev ON SEndpac $0D (CTRL-M) SLottime 30 (300 msec.) SQuelch OFF SRXall ON STArt $00 STOp $00 TBaud 9600 TDBaud 96 TDChan 0 TIme $14 (CTRL-T) TMail OFF TMPrompt GA subj/GA msg, '/EX' to en
File name PKFAX.TXT

1. Introduction to PK-FAX 02-Feb-88 PK-FAX is a program that sends and receives radio facsimile pictures. The program requires: An IBM Personal Computer or close compatible 256K memory A video graphics adapter and display DOS 2.0 or above A serial port An AEA PK-232 or Heathkit HK-232 data controller A serial cable capable of 4800 baud operation (included with PK-232) A radio receiver capable of reception on facsimile frequencies Optionally, the following may enhance the program's usefulness: A dot-matrix printer capable of bit graphics A parallel port A Paintbrush program and a mouse A radio transmitter An amateur radio license In this manual, single keystrokes that you should type are put inside brackets, as in or . This is so you know it is meant as a keystroke, not something you must spell out. means that you hold down the Ctrl key and press the X key at the same time. means that you hold down the Alt key and press the X key. Paintbrush is a registered trademark of ZSoft Corporation. Logipaint is a trademark of Logitech, Inc. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Hercules is a trademark of Hercules Computer Technology. 2. Installation Following the directions in the PK-232 user's manual, connect the PK-232 to the radio receiver. Connect the PK-232's RS-232 cable to one of the serial ports on your computer. Keep your printer connected to the computer; do not connect the printer to the free end of the PK-232 cable. Create a backup copy of the PK-FAX disk. If your computer has only floppy disk drives, use the backup disk as your working disk. If you have a hard disk, either create a new subdirectory for PK-FAX by typing CD \ MD FAX CD FAX COPY A:*.* or copy the PK-FAX disk into the subdirectory already containing your Paintbrush program: CD \PAINT COPY A:*.* 3. Starting the program To run the program, type PKFAX and you will see the first menu: Task: C. Configuration Y. FAX with PK-232: rcve/xmit, disk and printer N. FAX without PK-232: disk and printer only X. Exit for Configuration lets you customize PK-FAX for your system and application. starts facsimile operation using the PK-232. Type instead if you only want to view or print pictures that you saved previously on disk, without using the PK-232. gets you back to DOS. Since this is your first time with PK-FAX, type to change the configuration. 4. Configuration The first time you run PK-FAX, the configuration menu looks like this: CONFIGURATION A. PK-232 serial port COM1 B. Printer type Epson C. Printer graphics density 120 dpi D. Printer port LPT1 E. Serial printer baud rate 1200 F. Serial printer parity None G. Printer data
File name PKFAX1.TXT

PK-FAX document addendum, 16 Dec 1987 o Two items are different on the main menu: Y. FAX with PK-232: rcve/xmit, disk and printer N. FAX without PK-232: disk and printer only o Miscellaneous printer category: 96 and 192 dpi were removed. Add HP ThinkJet to list. o In Configuration: Printer type and dot density have been re-labelled and moved around in the menu to just before Printer port. Item B (Printer type) leads directly to Item C (Dot density) if a change in B necessitates a change in C. Item J (Morse ID on/off) leads directly to Item K (ID callsign) if turning J on necessitates a change in K. 
File name SETUP.TXT

Howdy! Here's the stuff to run your PK-232. The program is called "PcPakRat". This version was written in 1993. It is what I always (ALWAYS!) use for Navy MARS. Once you get used to it, you will not need anything else to run your PK-232 in any of its modes...and the PK-232 has quite a few that some multi-mode data controllers don't have. 1. Make a folder on your hard disk called "MARS" or whatever you like. 2. UNZIP or Copy the entire floppy to that folder on your hard disk. 3. Make a shortcut to the program and call that shortcut "MARS". 4. Use the "MARS" shortcut to start the program. 5. Enter the information per your system and requirements. I recommend that you set the program up to run your PK-232 at 9600 BPS. 6. Once you have the program running, print out the MARSDUMP.TXT file. 7. When the program is running, use the ALT-S key to get into the parameters setups. 8. EXCEPT for substituting YOUR callsign, your SELCAL, your "AAB" for all of MY callsign stuff, put the values from the MARSDUMP.TXT into the parameters. 9. SAVE the PK-232 parameters. 10. ENJOY! 73, Norm

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User ratings and reviews for this file:

03-10-2006w1cg5The file is some interesting DOS software for use with the AEA PK-232MBX, but it does not include a manual.
03-10-2006w1cg5The file is some interesting DOS software for use with the AEA PK-232MBX, but it does not include a manual.
20-08-2006spy_master10goog connection en stable

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