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Now downloading free:MAKITA 59972-WW-1

MAKITA 59972-WW-1 free download

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TECHNICAL INFORMATION Subject (1) Change of Lock-on Button/Lock-off Button 59972 (page 1 of 2) (2) Change of Shoe Supporter For Models (1) JR3030, JR3030T (2) JR3030T Country (1) All countries (2) All countries except European countries Description As illustrated below, the parts in the subject have been changed for the following improvements; (1) Smoother locking action (2) Extended life of Shoe (1) Change of Lock-on Button/Lock-off Button (JR3030 and JR3030T) Compression Spring 4 has been changed at the same time. Compression Spring 4 Lock-on Button; for all countries except Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia and Tahiti Lock-off Button; for Australia, New Zealand, Lock-on Button New Caledonia and Tahiti or Lock-off Button Current New Compression Spring 4 Compression Spring 4 (231230-4) (231342-3) 23mm 13mm Lock-on Button (416850-7) Lock-on Button (417323-3) A hole for or or Compression Spring 4 Lock-off Button (416852-3) Lock-off Button (417324-1) (2) Change of Shoe Supporter (JR3030T only) Current New 1) Pin 4 and Stop Ring E-3 have been eliminated. 2) Shoe Supporter has been modified as illustrated below. Pin 4 Stop Ring E-3 (268044-8) (961017-7) A steel plate is welded. Shoe Supporter Shoe Supporter (344813-2) (344925-1)

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