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SERVICE MANUAL 8T83 CHASSIS HYUNDAI LCD-1502 15.1INCH LCD TV MANUAL Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. ( ONLY REFERRENCE) _____ ENGINEER BY: _____ CHECKED BY: PPROVED BY: _____ PR.FROLOV Contents Note ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Technical specification-------------------------------------------- 3-4 Chassis Block Diagram-------------------------------------------- 5 IC Block Diagram ---------------------------------------------------6-12 Transistor mark ---------------------------------------------------- 13 PCB Top/Bottom layer --------------------------------------------- 14-18 Service Adjustments ----------------------------------------------- 19-20 Control Location ----------------------------------------------------21 Input and Output Terminals--------------------------------------- 22 Operation Instructions--------------------------------------------- 23-30 Cabinet parts List -------------------------------------------------- 31 Circuit Diagram----------------------------------------------------- 32 -2- TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION -3- TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION -4- Chassis Block Diagram -5- IC Block Diagram IC 900 ( 8-BIT MCU) BA6161A IC 905 LM2596S -6- IC Block Diagram IC2 TDA4470 IC602(POWER ) STR-G6653 -7- IC Block Diagram U302 U103 (VIDEO QUAD 2-CHAN NEL MUX/DEMUX) PI5V330Q U307( NTSC LINE 21 CCD DECODER) Z8622912PSC -8- IC Block Diagram U311 U313 U412 (DUAL RETRIGGERABLE MONSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR ) 74HC123D U304 (1.2V TO 37V VOLTAGE REGULATOR) LM317 -9- IC Block Diagram U106 (8M BIT CMOS 3 V BOOT FLASH MEMORY) AM29LV800BT-90EC U309 (2 X 6W STEREO POW ER AMPLIFIER) TDA1517P -10- IC Block Diagram U305 (Teletext Decoders) BA6161N U107 (SWITCHING REGULATOR F OR ELECTRONIC TUNING) AT24C16N-10SA-2.7C -11- IC Block Diagram U112 U113 U115 U116 (800mA LOW DROPOUT V OLTAGE REGULATOR) AMS1117 -12- Transistor Mark GND VCC LM78L 08 AMS111 7 MC78M05CDT IMP809 GND RESET GND OUTPUT INPUT INPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT GND INPUT C

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