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T ECHNICAL INFORMATION Subject Modification of DC motor 64542 4070D, 4071D, 6016D, 6017D, 6018D, 6019D, 6096D, 6223D, For Models 6226D, 6227D, 6327D, 6228D, 6328D, M010, MEU003 Country All countries Description DC motor have been modified for further increase of durability on its brush arm as illustrated below. Current Country New Description Brush arms Carbon brush Holes at tip of the slit for prevention against crack Slits Carbon brush is Carbon brush is held with these 3 portions. held with these The temperature rise can be lessened by widening 2 portions. the connecting area of brush arms with carbon brushes. Interchangeability(I/C) Item No. Current part Q'ty I/C New part Q'ty Note DC motor 1 DC motor 1 4070D, 4071D, 005 629691-4 629776-6 M010 DC motor DC motor 004 629726-1 1 629778-2 1 6096D 6016D, 6017D, DC motor DC motor 6016D, 6017D, 6018D: 010 1 1 629708-3 629779-0 6018D, 6019D 6019D: 011 DC motor 1 DC motor 1 036 6223D 629720-3 629781-3 DC motor DC motor 016 1 1 6226D 629748-1 629785-5 DC motor DC m

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