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Kudelski Nagra 3 free download

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MAY 1 1963 st NAGRA INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL KUDELSKI KUDELSKI S.A. NAGRA Tape Recorders Manufacture CH-1033 Cheseaux / Lausanne SWITZERLAND phone: (021) 91.21.21 telex: 24 392 nagra ch NAGRA III TAPE RECORDER INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE I. PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN When out of use, turn the tape transport control to its mid position. In the "ON" position, when not running, there is danger of producing a flat on the capstan roller. The working surfaces of the fast rewind clutch may also suffer. When batteries are exhausted, a corrosive liquid may escape and the containers may corrode. Never leave discharged batteries in the Nagra If the machine will not be used for sometime (a few months), remove the batteries, even if they are not discharged, as a precaution. Take care that the batteries are inserted into the machine with correct polarity. Place them in the battery compartment as indicated by the small diagram on the bottom of the compartment. When an external power supply is used. Always check the polarity very carefully. If it is incorrect. the motor will run backwards. A special protective circuit is used to prevent damage to important parts of the Nagra. But even so it is possible that some electrolytic condensers could be damaged. The Nagra III is very robust. But it is better to take no chance. Protect it from sand, sea being dropped or from mechanical shock. Do not subject it to rapid changes of temperature. or to the curiosity of unqualified personnel, and above all from vibration. For instance do not carry it unprotected in the baggage compartment of a car. II. DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS AND EXTERNAL MECHANISM 1. Speed and Equalization Selector, This switch may be operated by a coin in the slot. It simultaneously changes speed and equalization, both for recording and playback. The following combinations are available: 38.1 cm/sec. = 15 1'/sec. (CCIR or Ampex) This speed is normally used in broadcasting studios. The use of it insured the best quality; the azimuth adjustment is not very critical while the response Page 2 Curve is always excellent and varies little from tape to tape. At this speed the tape is little affected by repeated play- backs." Another advantage is that editing is easy, and that a suitable machine operating at this speed can usually be found in studios for playback of recordings. 19, 05 cm sec. = 7.511 sec. CCIR Equalization Standard This is the normal speed for the general uses of the Nagra in studios working with the CCIR standards. Where this is not necessary. the following position will be preferred: 19, 05 cm sec. = 7.511 sec. Ampex Equalization Standard This is a better standard, as the modulation noise. medium range distortions and tape background noise are reduced considerably. 9.525 cm/sec. = 3.751' /sec. This speed is for use where high quality is not required and tape economy is important. One hour recording time can be obtained with the use of 5" reels and using extra thin tape or two hours with 711 reels. 2) Tensi

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