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Akai A-5181 free download

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N n l 1 I 3 g T r I t t- m : N olgy & Abbrviations Trminology & Abbrviations AC-3 Th formrnamf th Dolby Digitalaudio-oding systm. A-3 followdAC-l and ^-2, Still usdin somstandards doumnts. Angl In DVD.vido, a spifiviw of a sn'usuallyrordd from a rtainamra angl.Diffrnt anglsan b hosn whil viwingth Sn. D Shortfor ompat dis' an optialdis stoag formatdvlopd Philipsnd Sony. by CD-DA ompat dis digital audio. Th original musi D format, storing audio information digital PC data.Dfind by th Rd Book standard. as CD+G Compatdis plus graphis. variation CD whih mbdsgraphial A of datain with th audio data, allowing vid pitursto b displaydpriodiallas musi is playd. PrimariIyusdfor karaok. D-R An tnsion th D formatallowingdatato b rordd of on on a dis by using dy.sublimation thnology. Dfindby thorangBook standard. Channl A part of an audio trak. Typially thr is on hannI alloatd for ah loudspakr. Chaptr In DVD-Vido, a divisionof a titl.Thniall alld apartof titl (P)' Closdaption Txt aptionsfor vido whih ar not norrnallyvisibl,as oposd opn to aptions,whih ar a prmannt afi of th pitur.[n th Unitd Stats. offiial th NTSC losd aptin standard rquirs that all Vs largrthan l3 inhsinlud iruitryto dodand display aptioninformatin stodon lin 21 of th vido signal.DVD-Vido an provid losd aptindata,but th subpitur format is prfrrd its vrsati[ity. for Componnt Vido A vido sstmontaining thrsparat olor omponnt signals'ithr redlgreenlblu (RGB) or hroma/olor diffrn(YGbCr, YPbPr, YUV), in analog or digital form. Th MPG-2 noding systm usd by DVD is basd on olor-diffrnc comonntdigital vido. Vry fw tlvisionshav olponnt vidoirlputs. CompositVido An analog vido signal in whih th lunr and hroma omponnts ar ombind (by frquny multipling), longwith syn and burst. Also alldVBs. ost tlvisionsand VCRs hav omposit vido onntors, whih ar usually coloredyllow. L'I)-i om1rt dis intzt.tiv' tnsitln All {'th I] ['nlt dsignl arunl s{:ttl a ,l.V llutl.tht Onnrts til i prvit{

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