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File name Outlook_Mail_2002.pdf

Technology Training Services Outlook Mail 2002 Outlook Mail 2002 Developed by: Laura Stock Technology Training Services & Robert Seifert Information Technologies Services April 2003 Maricopa Community College District April 2003 This training manual may be duplicated or put on the Internet for instructional use. Please give credit to the Maricopa Community College District and to the author(s). This training manual is not to be sold for profit. Technology Training Services Maricopa Community College District 2411 West 14th Street Tempe, Arizona 85281-6942 (480) 731-8287 ii Technology Training Services Vision & Mission Vision Technology Training Services (TTS) provides the highest quality in-service technology training and support to the faculty, staff and administrators of the Maricopa Community Colleges. Technology Training Services is committed to providing leadership and support to the organization as it implements new technologies and administrative systems. Mission TTS delivers quality technology training and support to all employees if the Maricopa Community Colleges. To fulfill this mission we: · Provide responsive and accessible technology training on a variety of desktop applications and administrative systems. · Research and develop comprehensive training and reference materials. · Meet and support the colleges' technology training efforts by delivering on-site technology training and providing training materials. · Cultivate positive partnerships with our colleges to meet and exceed their training needs and expectations. · Provide technology training support in a variety of ways including, telephone help lines, one-on-one assistance, online help, troubleshooting, consultation and referral services. · Collaborate with organizational teams to develop strategies to meet future technology training needs. · Provide consultation and services to the teams implementing new technologies and administrative systems within the organization. · Expand and update our knowledge and skills in the areas of technology and training. The Maricopa Community Colleges do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, handicap/disability, age, or Vietnam era/disabled veteran status in employment or in the application, admission, participation, access and treatment of persons in instructional programs and activities. iii Table Of Contents Outlook Mail 2002 Objectives Start Outlook 2002 Open MEMO and View Inbox Outlook Screen Components New Message Editor Create a New Message Address a Message Using an MCCCD Employee Name Address a Message Using an Email Address Compose and Save a Message Edit a Draft Message Format a Message Spell Check a Message Create a Signature File Attach a File to a Message Remove/Detach an Attachment Send a Message Retrieve and Read Messages Open an Attachment and Scan for Viruses Detach an Attachment from a Received Email Reply to a M

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