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Now downloading free:MAKITA 500-TE

MAKITA 500-TE free download

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T ECHNICAL INFORMATION Models No. 500 New Tool Description MAKITA 140mm Circular saw CONCEPTION AND MAIN APPLICATIONS 208 (8-3/16") This machine is the small type circular saw or the reformed version of the 5000SB and 5000SBR, developed according to the design of Giujiaro while focusing on the deign. Compared with the conventional model, it has been developed ") /4 while attention is paid in more beautiful appearance and well -3 (7 functionality. 6 19 Note that the M500 is for exclusive in export. The difference between 500 and M500 is just the housing color. 500---green (standard), M500---red 240 (9-1/2") Specifications Frequency Consumed Rated Max. Voltage(V) Current(A) (Hz) power(W) output(W) output(W) 100 5.8 50-60 550 260 440 115 5.0 50-60 550 260 440 200 2.9 50-60 550 260 440 220 2.6 50-60 550 260 440 230 2.5 50-60 550 260 440 240 2.4 50-60 550 260 440 No load speed (/min.) 4000 Inner dia. 16 Saw blade(mm) Outer dia. 130-140 Cutting capacity 0-45mm( 90 ) (When the saw with dia. 140 mm is used) 0-29mm( 45 ) Weight(kg) 2.5 Cord length(m) 2 Standard equipment Parallel ruler Box wrench 9(for loading/unloading the saw blade) + Screw driver (for adjust

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