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Operational Description Functional Description Hawaii Refresh cellular phone operates in GSM, DCS, and CEL & PCS bands. It provides GPRS class 10, EDGE class 10 and Bluetooth class 2 data support. It consists of RFMD Prime chipsets, Neptune LTE2, Atlas Ultra-Lite, Bluetooth module, internal system memory of 512Mbit flash, 128Mbit PSRAM and removable memory storage in the form of microSD memory card up to 2GB. It also embedded a 2MP CMOS camera, FM radio and MegaSIM capabilities. Hardware Interface The signaling diagram shows a general view of the interfaces involved between the chips on the RF portion of the radio. RF6027 and RF3178 formed the RFMD Prime chipset. Antenna Switch An internal antenna switch is employed in this design. The antenna switch routes the appropriate band transmit or receive signal between the antenna and respective IC. It is controlled by 3 control lines, B1, B2 and B3, coming from the RF6027. RF3178 The RF3178 module is a 50 input/output, quad-band, dual-mode, GMSK/8PSK(EDGE) PA module intended for 2.75G radio applications. The module consists of a dual line-up power amplifier, harmonic filter, and antenna switch. The antenna switch connects the antenna to any one of four receiver ports or either low band or high band power amplifier output. The module contains two RF dies using HBT technology, a silicon die for the power control and antenna switch controller, and harmonic filters. The module incorporates an indirect closed loop method for power control. Output power is controlled by varying the collector voltage. The module does not have a coupler or a power detector. RF6027 The RF6027 is a combination Fractional-N synthesizer and signal processing IC, which also includes RF front end with the VLIF/DC receive IC, constitutes a quad-band GSM/EDGE transceiver solution. In GSM mode, it offers a fully digital GMSK modulator for extremely low current consumption. The signal processing section provides a digital receive filter path. The IF inputs are digitized, filtered and down converted to base-band I and Q signals. The flexible base-band interface can be configured for either analog or digital operation. Chip functionality is controlled through a three-wire SDI bus. Neptune LTE2 The Neptune LTE2C90 base-band IC is a digital base-band processor for the 2.75G GSM application. The design is derived from HiP7 Neptune LTE with changes to process, memory configuration, and several module enhancements. It is a dual-core processor that contains a Synthesizable Onyx DSP core (56600), an ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller, and custom peripherals. Neptune LTE2C90 is configured for EDGE applications. Neptune LTE2C90 is available in a 280-pin MAPBGA package in either a production or development configuration. The Neptune LTE2 C90 IC is derived from the Neptune LTE IC with the following key changes:

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