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Rolsen 8-03 free download

DVD player, DVD recorder, digital recorder, DVD R - Sony, Panasonic, LG - service manual and repair information

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File name:8-03.PDF
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Size:68 kB
Model:8-03 🔎 803
Original:8-03 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Rolsen DVD Сервисные мануалы RDV-640 8-03.PDF
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > DVD
Multipart:No multipart

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RQ2,RQ4,RQ5 DPTC-00002A TR-CHIP KSR1103-MTF MX1 DPEX-10018A X'TAL 12MHz,ATS-49/U SX1 DPEX-10019A X'TAL 27MHz,10ppm,28-AAM,12pF,40/U SX2 DPEX-10020A X'TAL 33.8688MHz,ATS-49/U DPEX-10060A PCB SERVO-PCB(L2),EPOXY,1.6T,127x134 DC14 (TILT ONLY) DPCC-00098A C-CHIP 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1608 DIC1 (TILT ONLY) DPIC-00018A IC-MOTOR DRIVE BA6845FS-E2 J1 (TILT ONLY) DPWA-10020A CONNECTOR-WAFER 04-6232-104-103-800 DC15 (TILT ONLY) DPEC-10028A C-ELECT(SRE) 220uF,20%,10V,GP,TP,6.3x5,2.5mm MC9 (TILT MODELg

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