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Now downloading free:epson Stylus 500

epson Stylus 500 free download

InkJet Printers

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EPSON COLOR INKJET PRINTER Stylus-500 SERVICE MANUAL EPSON 4006359 PREFACE This document provides supplementary information to describe the EPSON Stylus COLOR 500, which is a follow-on version of the EPSON Stylus COLOR II. Therefore, you must refer to this information in conjunction with the EPSON Stylus COLOR II Service Manual for details on any subjects common to both printers. -i- EPSON Stylus COLOR 500 Service Manual Product Description 1.1 FEATURES The EPSON Stylus COLOR 500 is a small-footprint, personal-use color ink jet printer. The major new features of this printer are: t Newly developed black and color inks High-quality black printing Deep color printing t Simple control panel operation 3 No lock switches 4 LED lamps t A new design for the left guide edge locking mechanism in the ASF (auto sheet feeder) Table 1-1. Consumables Model Description S020093 Monochrome ink cartridge S020097 Color ink cartridge S041059 EPSON premium paper for 360 dpi printing (A4) S041025 EPSON premium paper for 360 dpi printing (A4) S041060 EPSON premium paper for 360 dpi printing (Letter) S041061 EPSON premium paper for 720 dpi printing (A4) S041026 EPSON premium paper for 720 dpi printing (A4) S041062 EPSON premium paper for 360 dpi printing (Letter) S041067 EPSON premium paper for 360 dpi printing (Legal) S041048 EPSON premium paper for 360 dpi printing (Legal) S041071 High-quality glossy paper (A4) S041072 High-quality glossy paper (Letter) S041063 Transparency film (A4) S041064 Transparency film (Letter) S041054 EPSON premium card stock for 720 dpi printing (A6) Rev.A 1-1 Product Description EPSON Stylus COLOR 500 Service Manual 1.2 SPECIFICATIONS This section provides detailed information about the EPSON Stylus COLOR 500. 1.2.1 Printing Specification Table 1-2. Character Tables and Typefaces Bitmap fonts Scalable fonts EPSON Roman EPSON Character Tables

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