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Now downloading free:Rolsen SERVICE RL-26X20

Rolsen SERVICE RL-26X20 free download

LCD television

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Model:SERVICE RL-26X20 🔎
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Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Rolsen LCD TV Телевизор ЖК Rolsen RL26X20 SERVICE RL-26X20.PDF
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File name SERVICE RL-26X20.PDF

1. Precautions Prior to shipment from the factory, the products are strictly inspected to conform with the recognized product safety and electrical codes of the countries in which they are to be sold. However, in order to maintain such compliance, it is equally important to implement the following precautions when a set is being serviced. SAFETY PRECAUTION WARNING: Service should not be attempted by anyone unfamiliar with the necessary precautions on this TV. The following are the necessary precautions to be observed before servicing this chassis. 1. An isolation Transformer should be connected in the power line between the TV and the AC line before any service is performed on the TV. 2. When replacing a chassis in the cabinet, always be certain that all the protective devices are put back in place, such as; non-metallic control knobs, insulating covers, shields, isolation resistor-capacitor network etc. 3. Before returning the set to the customer, always perform an AC leakage current check on the exposed metallic parts of the cabinet, such as terminals, screwheads, metal overlays, control shafts etc. to be sure the set is safe to operate without danger of electrical shock. Plug the AC line cord directly into a AC outlet (do not use a line isolation transformer during this check). Use an AC voltmeter having 5000 per volt or more sensitivity in the following manner: Connect a 1500 AC VOLTMETER 10W resistor, paralleled by a 0.15 uF, AC type capacitor, between a known good earth ground (water pipe, con- duit, etc.) and the exposed metallic parts, one at a time. Measure the AC voltage across the combination of 1500 0.15 uF resistor and 0.15 uF capacitor. Reverse the AC plug at the AC outlet and repeat AC voltage measurements for Place this probe on each exposed metallic part. Voltage measured must not Good earth ground each exposed such as a water metallic part. exceed 5.25V(rms). This corresponds to 3.5 mA(AC). Any pipe, conduit, etc. 1500 value exceeding this limit constitutes a potential shock 10W hazard and must be corrected immediately. PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE Many electrical and mechanical parts in this chassis have special safety-related characteristics. These charac- teristics are often passed unnoticed by a visual inspection and the protection afforded by them cannot neces- sarily be obtained by using replacement components rated for higher voltage, wattage, etc. Replacement parts which have these special safety characteristics are identified in this manual a

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