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REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST For Capacitor & Resistors, the CC, CX, CK, CN : Ceramic RD : Carbon Film The components identified by mark is charactors at 2nd and 3rd digit CQ : Polyestor RS : Metal Oxide Film critical for safety. in the P/No. means as follows; CE : Electrolytic RN : Metal Film RF : Fusible Replace only with part number specified. LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION D509 0DD414809ED 1N4148 TA IC D510 0DD414809ED 1N4148 TA HIC1 0IZZVF0014A IF PRE-AMP 9P,SIP BK . 1N4148 TA D601 0DD414809ED HIC2 0IZZVF0016A TILT 7P,SIP BK . 1N4148 TA D602 0DD414809ED HIC3 0IZZVF0016A TILT 7P,SIP BK . 1N4148 TA D751 0DD414809ED " 0IZZVF0015A MULTI SIF S/W 9P RM11CV(1) D801 0DD110009DB IC01 0ISO899308B LG8993-08B *LANG.EAST/SOUTH RECTIFIER,EU1ZV(1) D802 0DD100009AM " 0ISO899309B LG8993-09B *LANG.ARABIC 1N4148 TA D803 0DD414809ED IC02 0IAL241600B AT24C16-10PC 8D EEPROM 16K D4L20U SHINDENGEN D804 0DD420000BB IC03 0ISS754200A KA7542Z RESET TO92 TP 4.2V RECTIFIER,RU2M V(1) D805 0DD200009AF IC303 0IPH835050A TDA8350Q/N5 13P,SIP BK V/DEF+E RECTIFIER,EU1ZV(1)

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