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Now downloading free:Rolsen M52325AP

Rolsen M52325AP free download

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MITSUBISHI LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT M52325AP SECAM DECODER [GENERAL DESCRIPTION] pin configuration The M52325AP is designed for SECAM chrominance decoding.The IC should preferably be used in conjunction with PAL / NTSC signal processor M52340SP and the fref / IDENT 1 16 CVBS IN switched capacitor baseband delay line. BELL OUT 2 15 SAND IN It consists of a bell filter,a demodulator and an identification circuit. The IC needs no adjustment and few external Vcc 3 14 BLACK ADJ. R M52325AP components are required. A signal with highly stable BAND GAP 4 13 PLL auto 1 reference frequency is required for the calibration, and SACAM KILLER OUT 5 12 PLL auto2 a three - level sandcastle pulse for blanking and burst gating. GND 6 11 BLACK ADJ. B BELL ref. 7 10 - (B - Y ) OUT PLL ref. 8 9 - (R - Y ) OUT [FEATURES] 16 PIN DIL PLASTIC PACKAGE

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