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REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST For Capacitor & Resistors, the CC, CX, CK, CN : Ceramic RD : Carbon Film The components identified by mark is charactors at 2nd and 3rd digit CQ : Polyestor RS : Metal Oxide Film critical for safety. in the P/No. means as follows; CE : Electrolytic RN : Metal Film RF : Fusible Replace only with part number specified. LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION ZD102 0DZ330009DF DIODE,ZENER MTZJ33B TP ROHM-K IC ZD103 0DZ510009AB DIODE,ZENER MTZ5.1B,TP(52MM),ROHM IC01 0IMI899328B IC,LG8993-28B(M37221M8-146SP) 42 ZD412 0DZ910009AJ DIODE,ZENER MTZJ9.1B TP ROHM-K " 0IMI899327C IC,LG8993-27C *LANG.EAST ZD501 0DZ180009AG DIODE,ZENER MTZJ18B TP ROHM-K IC02 0IAL240410A IC,AT24C04-10PC 8D EEPROM(4K,IIC) ZD502 0DZ180009AG DIODE,ZENER MTZJ18B TP ROHM-K IC03 0ISS754200A IC,KA7542Z RESET TO92 TP 4.2V ZD503 0DZ180009AG DIODE,ZENER MTZJ18B TP ROHM-K IC151 0ISG405200B IC,HCF4052BE 16P,DIP BK DIFF-4CH ZD504 0DZ510009AB DIODE,ZENER MTZ5.1B,TP(52MM),ROHM IC202 0ISA701600A IC,LA7016 8S ANALOG S/W ZD505 0DZ120009AF DIODE,ZENER MTZJ12B TP ROHM-K IC301 0ISA783300A IC,LA7833 7S 2.2A(P-P) VERT. OUT ZD751 0DZ120009AF DIODE,ZENER MTZJ12B TP ROHM-K IC501 0ITO123800C IC,TB1238BN 56P,SDIP BK MULTI 1CH ZD801 0DZ510009AB DIODE,ZENER MTZ5.1B,TP(52MM),ROHM IC502 0ITO127500A IC,TA1275AZ 21P,SZIP BK SECAM DEC

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