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Now downloading free:Rubin ÐÓÁÈÍ 37M10-6,M10-7,55FM10-4,FM10-6,FM10-7SM10-4,SM10-6,SM10-7 øàññè KD-035

Rubin ÐÓÁÈÍ 37M10-6,M10-7,55FM10-4,FM10-6,FM10-7SM10-4,SM10-6,SM10-7 øàññè KD-035 free download

TV - Conventional CRT, LCD Projectors, TFT, Plasma, Big Screen, HDTV, Home theater - Service manuals, repair tips

File information:
File name:ÐÓÁÈÍ 37M10-6,M10-7,55FM10-4,FM10-6,FM10-7SM10-4,SM10-6,SM10-7 øàññè KD-035.pdf
[preview ÐÓÁÈÍ 37M10-6,M10-7,55FM10-4,FM10-6,FM10-7SM10-4,SM10-6,SM10-7 øàññè KD-035]
Size:404 kB
Model:ÐÓÁÈÍ 37M10-6,M10-7,55FM10-4,FM10-6,FM10-7SM10-4,SM10-6,SM10-7 øàññè KD-035 🔎
Original:ÐÓÁÈÍ 37M10-6,M10-7,55FM10-4,FM10-6,FM10-7SM10-4,SM10-6,SM10-7 øàññè KD-035 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Rubin TV Òåëåâèçîð ÝËÒ Ðóáèí 37M10 & 51M10 & 55M10 ÐÓÁÈÍ 37M10,51M10,55M10 ÐÓÁÈÍ 37M10-6,M10-7,55FM10-4,FM10-6,FM10-7SM10-4,SM10-6,SM10-7 øàññè KD-035.pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name ÐÓÁÈÍ 37M10-6,M10-7,55FM10-4,FM10-6,FM10-7SM10-4,SM10-6,SM10-7 øàññè KD-035.pdf

SERVICE MANUAL for UOC TOP model ( Date: 2008-5-1 ) 37M10-6/37M10-7/55FM10-4/55FM10-6/55FM10-7/55SM10-4/55SM10-6/55SM10-7 ( 1 ) Specifications & feature: 1. AC Power supply : 170~240V, 50/60Hz 2. Remote hand set battery: 3V ( AAA x 2pcs ) 3. TV system RF input: PAL SECAM BG/DK , Video input: PAL/SECAM/NTSC 3.58/NTSC 4.43 4. Receiving channels : VHF-L, VHF-H, UHF 5. Program number : 200 6. Intermediate frequency ( Picture ): 38.9MHz 7. Horizontal frequency: 15625/15750 Hz, Vertical frequency : 50/60 Hz 8. Audio output power : 3W/ 8 ohm ( 2pcs 16 ohm speaker in parallel ) 9. Side AV x 1 ( RCA socket ) 10. Scart x 1 ( rear ) 11. OSD language : English , Russian ( 2 ) Adjustment manual: 1. +B voltage adjustment a). Receive a color bar pattern , set picture to "Standard Mode". b). Use voltage meter to measure the DV voltage on Capacitor location C551 . c). Adjust rheostat PR551 to get voltage meter reading as: =108 8+/- 1V ------ 14" =112 8+/- 1V -------21" PF =125 8+/- 1V ------ 21" Slim 2. Service menu adjustment: a) Enter service menu Step 1. Set your TV set in TV mode. Step 2. Press MENU key,digit keys 6,4,8,3 & Call key sequent, then Service manual M0 will appear on the screen. Direct press 0,1,2 keys to go M0,M1,M2 pages. b) Use Program + / - to select adjust item, use Volume + / - to set the data. c) Enter M3 to M9 pages, need go to SETUP SELECT item in M2 page and press Volume+ , mute then 3 to 9 digit keys. Normally M3 to M9 pages do not need adjustment in production line. d) Press STANDBY key to exit Service manual mode. ( 3 ) Service menu table: Page Item Description Range Default Remark PA NTSC L MO TEST.SW Internal test signal 0~2 0 0OFF 1Central line 2:Checker no adjustment need. V.SLOPE Vertical linearity 063/-31~+32 35 -01 Adjust PAL system first, then NTSC. Need adjust to match with CRT V.POSI Vertical center 063/-31~+32 36 -01 Adjust PAL system first, then NTSC. Need adjust to match with CRT V.SIZE Vertiacl size 063/-31~+32 12 +01 Adjust PAL system first, then NTSC. Need adjust to match with CRT Vertical S curve V.SC 063/-31~+32 13 +09 Adjust PAL system first, then NTSC. Need adjust to match with CRT adjustment Vertical linearity

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