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Kyocera SB-2F8-0039-B272 1 free download

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Model:SB-2F8-0039-B272 1 🔎
Original:SB-2F8-0039-B272 1 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-3040P_3140P SERVICEBULLETIN SB-2F8-0039-B272_1.pdf
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File name SB-2F8-0039-B272_1.pdf

(Revised issue 1) (Page.1/3) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2F8-0039 (B272) December 28, 2011 Notes on Replacement of the FD ASSY SP (New Cable Tie for Subject the Motor Wire) FS-2000D, FS-3900DN, FS-4000DN, FS-6950DN, FS-2020D, FS-3920DN, FS-4020DN, FS-6970DN, Model FS-3040MFP, FS-3140MFP, FS-3040MFP+, FS-3140MFP+, FS-3540MFP, FS-3640MFP This time, the description with (-->) was revised from the previous information. FS-6950DN was deleted since no production is planned; some descriptions were addded (P1); Some explanatory descriptions were revised (P2 ,3). Topic Please handle the cable tie included in the FD ASSY SP as follows. Handling of the Cable Tie The FD ASSY having the part number below uses the new motor with a longer wire by 40 mm for common use with other models. Therefore, please bundle it up with the neighboring wires by applying the cable tie in order to avoid the wire from slacking when installing the motor and fitting the wire to the board. (Cut the surplus tie with scissors, nippers, etc. after the wires were bundled up.) Tie the motor wire with the cable tie Neighboring wires (R) Connect board R Neighboring wires (R) Tie the motor wire New FD ASSY motor wire with the cable tie Connect board R New FD ASSY motor wire Cables of the MFP models (-->) Cables of the A4 printer models and FS-6970DN The cable of FS-6970DN was changed to the one shown in the figure on the page 3 since September 2011. KYOCERA MITA Europe B.V. European Service & Development Center (ESDC) (Revised issue 1) (Page.2/3) Service Bulletin Ref. No.2F8-0039 (B272) December 28, 2011

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