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Konica Minolta Konica1015 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Mfg:Konica Minolta
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Original:Konica1015 🔎
Descr: Konica Minolta Copiers 1015 Konica1015.PDF
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NSSG SUPPORT SOLUTIONS 1015 - ALL ACTIVE SOLUTIONS December 2001 This document contains information that was exported directly from Konica's NSSG Support knowledge base. Some solutions may contain hyperlink references which originally contained links to graphic or text files. If you wish to view these files, you must access the solutions via NSSG Web Support on Konica's website, Legal Notice This document is designed as a diagnostic tool, primarily for Konica's support personnel, and authorized service representatives. Konica recommends that all service be performed by an authorized service representative. Users are responsible for seeking advice of a Konica authorized service representative regarding the information, opinion, advice or content of this document. USER AGREES THAT USE OF THIS DOCUMENT IS AT USER'S SOLE RISK AND THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED ON AN AS IS BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF TITLE OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OTHER THAN THOSE WARRANTIES THAT ARE IMPLIED BY LAW AND INCAPABLE OF EXCLUSION. IN NO EVENT WILL KONICA OR THOSE ACTING ON ITS BEHALF BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OF THIS DOCUMENT. Copyright 2001, Konica Business Technologies, Inc. 1015 DESCRIPTION: F54. SOLUTION ID: 18,384 SOLUTION: PROBABLE CAUSES: USAGE: 85 1. A fan irregularity signal, excessive current draw due to binding. Examine M4 for obstructions which may bind the fan. Check the M4 fan lock signal (main CB, CN26-4) in the 47 mode, input code 42. The voltage should be between 0.1 to 0.2V DC. If 5V DC is present, either the fan is binding or the fan is defective. Replace M4 (p/n 25HA80512). Note: If the fan lock signal is normal, install the version 17.0 EPROM (p/n 101517-17.0) to prevent false F54 errors as outlined in [[1015/1212 Technical Bulletin #15| IMAGE v:\bitmaps\djc084.bmp SCROLL]]. 2. IC7 on the main CB has shorted due to a failed total counter. IC7 shares the 24V DC control signal line with the exposure lamp, separation solenoid (SD1), registration solenoid (SD2), total counter, key counter, and cooling fan (M4). All loads except the total counter operate in diagnostics. Replace the total counter

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