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Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-3040P_3140P SERVICEBULLETIN SB-2MD-0002-C074_1.pdf
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File name SB-2MD-0002-C074_1.pdf

(Revised Issue 1) (Page.1/2) Service Bulletin Ref. No.2MD-0002 (C074) July 12, 2012 Improvement of the COVER SIDE (Left Cover) Light Blocking Subject Effect Model FS-3040MFP+, FS-3140MFP+, FS-3540MFP, FS-3640MFP This time, the description with (-->) was revised from the previous information. The accurate serial numbers were added. Topic If direct sunlight permeates through the COVER SIDE (Left Cover), sensor misdetection might be caused. In this case, the message [Close Left Cover] is displayed even though the left cover is closed. Therefore, the following change was made. Content of Change The SHEET COVER SIDE L was newly added in order to improve the light blocking effect to prevent the waste toner bottle sensor misdetection. Due to the change above, the shape of the COVER SIDE and the Himelon sheet (the non-woven fabrics affixed on the interior side of the cover) was also changed. PARTS COVER SIDE SP [Change of the PARTS COVER SIDE SP (No.1)] (Both of the old and the new covers have the sheet affixed to the interior side.) (Old) (New) COVER SIDE COVER SIDE shape changed Himelon sheet SHEET COVER SIDE L Himelon sheet shape changed Newly added (PET FILM, Black t=0.25) Com pati- Old Part New Part Q'ty bi lity No. No. No. Description Remarks Old New Old New 302MC94080 302MC94081 1 PARTS COVER SIDE SP 1 1 X O 2MC94080 2MC94081 KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD) (Revised Issue 1) (Page.2/2) Service Bulletin Ref. No.2MD-0002 (C074)

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