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Now downloading free:ETL 77007, 7002,93C16/46

ETL 77007, 7002,93C16/46 free download

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File information:
File name:Ford Eeprom Reader.rar
Size:92 kB
Model:77007, 7002,93C16/46 🔎
Descr:Ford eeprom read&write DOS Programms. WIN98(SE) only!
Group:Electronics > Software
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name readme.txt

This DOS programms is for reading eeproms 9316to46, Ford 77007, and Ford 7002 to 7. Works with ETL1999 hardware connected to LTP port. Very important!!!! WORK ONLY WITH WINDOWS 98(SE)! - This programms makes a byte swap by reading! - If you want to compare files with files readed with Ponny, the first you mast to do is to make byte swap from "utility" menu on Ponny! Test first vor check, before you do any changes! Hardware is powered with +5V from pin10 on LTP connector via resistor 1K and its work! You do not need external power 5V. 100% Tested! [email protected]

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