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Samsung SGH-A100 service manual free download

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DUAL BAND Mobile Cellular Phone SGH-A100 SERVICE Manual Dual Band Mobile Cellular Phone CONTENTS 1. Electrical Parts List 2. Exploded Views and Parts List 3. Block Diagram 4. PCB Views 5. Schematic Diagrams C 3DEF 1 2 ABC 6MNO 4 GHI 5 JKL 9WXYZ 7 PQRS 8 TUV 0 1. Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS Remark 0 SGH-A100GA/XEG 1 6001-001148 SCREW-MACHINE BH, *, M2, L5, ZPC(BLK), SM20C, FDP 1 GH68-00641B LABEL(P)-COLOR STICKER(GOLD) SGH-800, ART(100G), 1 GH68-00718A LABEL(P)-SHIP(GERM) SGH-A100, CRP, 250X120, 100G, 1 GH68-30963A LABEL(R)-BAR CODE SP-D300, PR, 34X6.5, T0.1, WHT 1 GH71-00077A NPR-ANT.CONTACT SGH-A100, KSP5202, T0.1, AU 1 GH71-00219A NPR-SHIELD PLATE(C) SGH-A100, C5210TS, -, AU 1 GH72-00515A PMO-LCD WINDOW SGH-A100, TRP ACRYL, GRY, -, - 1 GH73-00158A RMO-R.F COVER SGH-A100, URETHAN, -, D/GRY, - 1 GH73-00159A RMO-BUZZER HOLDER SGH-A100, RUBBER, -, BLK, - 1 GH73-00160A RMO-MIC HOLDER SGH-A100, RUBBER, -, BLK, - 1 GH73-00243A RMO-HINGE RUBBER SCH-A200, RUBBER, 4X6XT1.2, 1 GH73-00270A RMO-CONTACT RUBBER SGH-A100, RUBBER, 1 GH74-00342A MPR-WINDOW TAPE SGH-A100, VINYL, T0.1, TRP, - 1 GH75-00223A MEC-HANGER ROPE SGH-2300, -, GRY 1 GH92-00724A PBA MAIN-SGH-2300 SGH-2300, -, USA, -, -, -, - 1 GH96-00894A ELA ETC-SGHA100 EAR-MIC SGH-A100, -, USA, 1 GH97-01483A MEA FRONT-COVER SGH-A100, -, GERM, GLD, -, -, - 2 6001-000876 SCREW-MACHINE CH, +, M1.7, L2, ZPC(BLK), SWRCH18 2 GH72-00510A PMO-VOLUME KEY SGH-A100, -, D/GRY, -, - 2 GH72-00511A PMO-SHIELD COVER SGH-A100, ABS, -, CR, - 2 GH73-00156A RMO-KEY PAD SGH-A100, RUBBER, -, -, - 2 GH74-00342A MPR-WINDOW TAPE SGH-A100, VINYL, T0.1, TRP, - 2 GH74-00435A MPR-SHIELD TAPE SGH-A100, COPPER TAPE, 2 GH74-00436A MPR-SH

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