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CANON IXUS 330 free download

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File name:CANON_IXUS_330.rar
[preview IXUS 330]
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Original:IXUS 330 🔎
Descr: CANON Camera CANON_IXUS_330.rar
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File name CANON_IXUS_330.rar

CHAPTER 4. PARTS CATALOG CONTENTS PowerShot S330/DIGITAL IXUS 330/IXY DIGITAL 300a Casing Parts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg1 Internal Parts-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg2 Internal Parts-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg3 OPTICAL UNIT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg4 Accessories ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg5 Service Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg8 PowerShot S330 DIGITAL IXUS 330 IXY DIGITAL 300a Pg1 Casing Parts 12 10 12 6 (7) 11 (8) 11 9 1 5 11 4 11 3 11 2 PowerShot S330 DIGITAL IXUS 330 IXY DIGITAL 300a Pg1 PARTS LIST SYMBOL PARTS NO. CLASS QTY DESCRIPTION REMARKS 1 CM1-1411-000 B 1 FRONT COVER UNIT POWERSHOT S330 CM1-1412-000 B 1 FRONT COVER UNIT DIGITAL IXUS 330 CM1-1407-000 B 1 FRONT COVER UNIT IXY DIGITAL 300a 2 CD1-3688-000 B 1 COVER, JACK 3 CD1-3689-000 B 1 COVER, DC COUPLER 4 CD1-3687-000 B 1 COVER, BATTERY 5 CY1-6155-000 B 1 PLATE, BODY NUMBER 6 CM1-1408-000 B 1 REAR COVER UNIT 7 CD1-3644-000 C 1 LOCK, CF COVER 8 CS8-5208-000 C 1 SPRING, LOCK 9 CD1-4302-000 B 1 RING, STRAP 10 CL1-10

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