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The components identified by mark are critical for safety. Replace only with part number specified. REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION D330 0DD247109AA DIODE,DETECTOR 1S2471 IC D400 0DD011150AA DIODE,ESC011M-15 D851 0ISK100300A IC,SLA1003 SIP12 BK DIODE MODULE( DIODE,RECTIFIER RGP15G D402 0DD150009CC ICP1 0ISA755500A IC,LA7555 24SD PLL VIF+SIF DIODE,RECTIFIER RGP15G D403 0DD150009CC IC01 0ISO899340A IC,LG8993-40A(CXP750097-119S) 52, DIODE,RECTIFIER RGP15G D404 0DD150009CC IC02 0IAL241600B IC,AT24C16-10PC 8D EEPROM 16K DIODE,RECTIFIER RU1A V(1) D405 0DD100009AE ICP2 0IKE780800B IC,KIA78L08BP(TA) TO-92 8V,150MA DIODE,1N4148 TA D408 0DD414809ED ICP3 0IPH916030A IC,TDA9160A/N3 32SD P/N/S DECODER DIODE,RECTIFIER RGP15G D409 0DD150009CC IC03 0ISS754200A IC,KA7542Z RESET TO92 TP 4.2V DIODE,1N4148 TA D410 0DD414809ED ICP5 0ISM918730A IC,SDA9187/3X 28P SOP BK PIP A/D DIODE,1N4148 TA D501 0DD414809ED ICP6 0ISM918900A IC,SDA9189X 32SOP PIP(QUARTER) DIODE,1N4148 TA D502 0DD414809ED ICP7 0IKE780500K IC,KIA7805PI 3P(TO-220IS) 5V,1A DIODE,1N4148 TA D503 0DD414809ED ICP8 0IKE780500K IC,KIA7805PI 3P(TO-220IS) 5V,1A DIODE,1N4148 TA D505 0DD414809ED IC101 0ITF447400A IC,TDA4474(VIF) DIODE,1N4148 TA

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