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Samsung 06 Disassembly & Reassembly free download

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Descr: Samsung Laptop NP-R40 Схема и сервис мануал на Samsung NP-R40 06_Disassembly & Reassembly.pdf
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- This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization - 4. Assembly and Disassembly Item Picture Description 1. AC Adapter & Battery must be disassembled before disassembling System. 2. Move Knob like Point 1 and separate Battery like Point 2. 3. Battery will be disassembled when push Battery to the upper side. Main System 4. Remove Bottom Screw - M2.6 L8 : 14pcs - M2 L7 : 2pcs - M2 L4 : 2pcs *Caution Just loose Memory Door Screw, because they can not be removed. 5. Remove HDD DOOR 6. Remove MEMORY DOOR 4-1 - This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization - 4. Assembly and Disassembly Item Picture Description 7. Push HDD to Arrow mark side gripping handle to remove HDD. *Caution Be careful when push the HDD to the rear side. HDD must be removed before turning upside down the system. 8. Remove Wireless LAN Card after disassembling Wireless LAN Antenna *Caution Firenze2 have just one Wireless LAN Antenna Main System 9. Lift up Memory by doing like Point 1, and pull out the Memory from Socket. 10. Lift up DMB module from Point 1 after remove 2 DMB Screws. - M2 L4 : 2pcs *Caution Just turn upside down the DMB Module to

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