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Appendix A: DISPLAY Assembly 50 51 Material List by Location Date: 05/12/03 Time: 21:10:50 R/N:ydr6069j - D1H ================================================================================================================== ================== QUANTITY REQUIRED DWG.NO. LAM737 REV. 0A C NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION ------------------ -------------------------------------- Y0 001 REMARKS - ---- ----------- ------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- --- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- # LAM737Y0001 LAM737Y ABO UR+TCO99 MSV16/MSV34/MBK17 HYD 1 GA050000400 POWER CORD SET SP305X1.8MXIS14 SVT BLK 1 - - - - 302 2 DC190021010 CB ASY AM939 SIG LIMPID 1.8M DVI-DVI 1 - - - - 303 3 DC190021020 CB ASY AM939 AUDIO LIM 1.8M BLU-GRN 1 - - - - 304 4 DC190021030 CB ASY AM939 RCA LIM 1.8M V/T-R/A RWY 1 - - - - 305 5 DC190021040 CB ASY AM939 SIG LIMPID 1.8M BLUSCREW 1 - - - - 306 6 PK10V000020 AC ADAP LAE LAD6019AB5 12V/5A BLK 90D 1 - - - - 307 7 DC190021050 CB ASY AM939 S-CABLE BLK 1.8M V/T-R/A 1 - - - - 308 8 58273030001 DIS UNIT ABO LAM737Y TCO99 HYDIS 1280X1024 1 - - - - 351 9 6800A430001 PACKING ABO-WW LAM737Y TCO99 WG017 1 - - - - 352 10 X66ANN30001 MEC PACKING ABO LAM737Y MSV34 1 - - - - 3

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