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Samsung SGH-Z220 service manual free download

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File name:Samsung SGH-Z220 service manual.pdf
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Descr: Samsung GSM Samsung SGH-Z220 service manual.pdf
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File name Samsung SGH-Z220 service manual.pdf

4. Electrical Parts List Design LOC Discription SEC Code STATUS ANT300 ANTENNA-CHIP 4202-001168 SA C100 C-TA,CHIP 2404-001413 SA C101 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000854 SA C102 C-CER,CHIP 2203-005482 SA C103 C-CER,CHIP 2203-002968 SA C105 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000233 SA C107 C-CER,CHIP 2203-005393 SA C109 C-CER,CHIP 2203-002677 SA C110 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000233 SA C111 C-CER,CHIP 2203-002525 SA C112 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000233 SA C114 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000696 SA C115 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000233 SA C116 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000233 SA C117 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000233 SA C118 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000233 SA C119 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000233 SA C123 C-CER,CHIP 2203-006562 SA C124 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000812 SA C125 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000995 SA C126 C-CER,CHIP 2203-001153 SA C128 C-CER,CHIP 2203-006048 SA C129 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000995 SA C130 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000854 SA C200 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000311 SA C202 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000679 SA C203 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000679 SA C204 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000679 SA C206 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000679 SA C207 C-CER,CHIP 2203-000278 SA C208 C-CER,CHIP

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