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Philips VCR-DVD service bulletins and tips free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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PHILIPS VCR/DVD service bulletins 1 HOME PHILIPS VCR/DVD service bulletins and tips MODEL/CHASSIS: 23DV1 SYMPTOM: Supply does not start, D6115 defective CURE: Replace diode 6115 on supply MSM1 by a 1N4148 (4822 130 30621) MODEL/CHASSIS: 23DV1 SYMPTOM: AUTOSTORE skips transmittors CURE: In case of high RF voltages (> 80DB UV), some transmittors are not stored. Solution: Modify time-constant in RF-AGC circuit: R3720 becomes 1kOhm. C2724 becomes 10 uF. Introduced in production from week 9319 onwards. MODEL/CHASSIS: 23DV1 SYMPTOM: Audio not recorded; previous audio not erased CURE: Remove connector from cable of erase-head and solder the wires directly on the erase-head. Check also whether metal-flakes are present in the flatcable connection of the audio-sync head. Note: touching the wires can already hide the complaint! MODEL/CHASSIS: 23DV1 SYMPTOM: Rattle during fast-forward CURE: If a Turbo-drive with Fast-Forward problems is brought-in for service, Check first of all whether thooth-wheels 116 and 117 sufficiently grip in each other. If these tooth-wheels rattle-over-each-other during fast forward, replace following components: pos. 116 (changing gear) and pos. 117 (double gear). These components are delivered in KIT I (SBC7118). Also replace the clutch lever by a special version (coulour = black; 4822 403 71173. MODEL/CHASSIS: 23DV1 SYMPTOM: Spare part information CURE: Spare part information A repair kit , containing PULLEY SHAFT + WORM SHAFT (POS. 47+48) is delivered with codenumber 4822 310 10657. This kit can be used for all TURBO- and ECO mechanisms ! MODEL/CHASSIS: 23DV1 SYMPTOM: Modification CURE: Modification From DECK production code WD22 onwards, a new lift has been applied (Sets production code WD40 or RJ12). For old sets, the codenumber for the lift assembly 4822 443 63702 remains unchanged (but delivered with new lift and kit L). For new sets, the codenumber is 4822 443 64112. Herefor, a new kit L is introduced: 4822 310 32116. Removing and mounting of the new lift can be executed in all deck- positions, except EJECT. MODEL/CHASSIS: 23DV1 SYMPTOM: Modification CURE: Modification For a better performance of the erase oscillator, the following components are modified in production: POS. 2620 - 47 nF - 4822 121 51655 POS. 2622 - 33 nF - 4822 121 43996 MODEL/CHASSIS: 23DV1 SYMPTOM: Codenumbers deckprocessors CURE: Codenumbers deckprocessors Sets produced with factory code < WD30 use the intel video controller with mask version MMTD2-XU. (4822 209 32506) Sets produced with factory code WD30 and higher use the Toshiba video controller with mask version MMTD4-XU. (4822 209 32736) When replacing the deck-up, pls. order the correct version (Intel or Toshiba) MODEL/CHASSIS: 24DV1 SYMPTOM: Audio not recorded; previous audio not erased CURE: Remove connector from cable of erase-head and solder the wires directly on the eras

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