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Now downloading free:NAD 3240pe Specifications

NAD 3240pe Specifications free download

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3240PE Stereo Receiver Date of manufacture : Sep 88 - ? Please note that this document contains the text from the original product brochure, and some technical statements may now be out of date According to a long-established industry custom, the highest-quality parts and most highly refined designs are found only in separate audio components - in preamps, power amplifiers, and tuners. Integrated amplifiers usually arc made to a less exalted standard, while all-in-one stereo receivers are regarded as mid-fi products suitable only for first-time buyers. But not at NAD. Whether you choose the flexibility of separates, the convenience of an integrated amplifier, or the economy of a receiver, all NAD audio components share a single design philosophy. Often the very same highly-refined circuits are used in both separates and combination products. For example, the NAD 3240PE integrated amplifier contains the best-buy 2240PE power amplifier, combined with preamplifier and control circuits similar to those in the 1240PE preamp. The 3240PE costs only a little more than other "medium-power" amplifiers, but its no-frills exterior conceals a powerhouse of advanced design. Its high-current output stage delivers full output to loudspeakers of any impedance (even as low as 2 ohms), producing peak currents up to 25 amperes for precise dynamic control of speaker voice-coil motion. The 3240PE is conservatively rated to deliver 40 watts of continuous power per channel into either 8 or 4 ohms, but i t s Power Envelope design yields extraordinary reserves of tone-burst power for music. With +6 dB of dynamic headroom, the 3240PE delivers over 160 watts per channel at 8 ohms (200 watts/ channel at 4 or 2 ohms) for the high-level transient peaks in today's wide-range recordings. And the 3240PE puts out 100 watts per channel of clean, clear power for the full 200-millisecond duration of the notes and chords of a grand piano, symphony orchestra, or large jazz band. The preamplifier section of the 3240PE is based on the 1240PE's outstandingly quiet, wide-range phono stage. It features precise RIAA equalisation, very low noise, and ample headroom to accommodate the

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