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OKIPAGE 6e/6ex LED Page Printer Troubleshooting Manual with Component Parts List ODA/OEL/INT Approval All specifications are subject to change without notice. *Times, Helvetica and Palatino are trademarks of Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries. ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Zapf Chancery, ITC Zapf Dingbats and ITC Bookman are registered trademarks of International Typeface Corporation. HP and LaserJet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Diablo 630 is a registered trademark of Xerox corporation. CONTENTS 1. OUTLINE 2. TOOLS 3. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 4. TROUBLESHOOTING 5. COMPONENT PARTS LIST 6. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 1. OUTLINE This manual has been written to provide guidance for troubleshooting of the OKIPAGE 6e Series Printer (primarily for its printed circuit boards), on an assumption that the reader is knowledgeable of the printer. Read the maintenance manual for this printer if necessary. Notes: 1. The power supply board (OLER/OLHR) containing a high voltage power supply is dangerous. From the viewpoint of the safety standards, the local repairing of a defective board is not allowed. Thus, the objects to be locally repaired as a result of troubleshooting are switches and fuses. 2. Replacement of CPU (MHM2029K) is not recommended. If CPU is found to be defective, board replacement is suggested. 2. TOOLS For troubleshooting the printer, the tools listed below may be needed in addition to general maintenance tools. Tool Remarks Extension cord kit P/N: 4YA4121-2028G2 Oscilloscope Frequency response 100 MHz or higher Soldering iron A slender tip type, 15-20 watts -1- 3. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 3.1 Outline The control board controls the reception of data transferred through a host I/F and processes command analysis, bit image development, raster buffer read. It also controls the engine and the operator panel. Its block diagram is shown in Fig. 3-1 through 3-4. (1) Reception control The control board has one centronics parallel I/F port. The parallel I/F port can specify the following item when set by the control panel: I-PRIME: Enabled/Disabled (2) Command analysis processing The OKIPAGE 6e series printers have the following emulation modes. Laser Jet Series IVP : Hewlett Packard OKIPAGE 6e/6ex An edit task fetches data from the receive buffer, analizes commands, and reconstructs the data in such a way that print data are aligned from up to down and from right to left; then it writes the resultant data into a page buffer with such control data as print position coordinate, font

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