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Now downloading free:Samsung 10 Wiring Diagram

Samsung 10 Wiring Diagram free download

LCD television

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8 Wiring Diagrams 8 Wiring Diagram 8-1 Wiring Diagram 8-1 8 Wiring Diagrams 8-2 Main Board Layout 8-2 8 Wiring Diagrams 8-3 PIN characteristic CN5006 - Main Board power supply PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NAME SW GND GND GND GND A5V A5V A5V A5V A5V GND GND B12VS B12VS GND GND POWER PIN 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 NAME GND GND B5V B5V B5V B5V GND GND GND GND B12V B12V B12V B12V GND GND Function Define - B12V B12V_CHN, B9V, B8V, B5V_VCCT - B5V B33V, B5V_VCCA, B3.3VD, B2.5V_VDD, B1.8VD, PX_VD1.8, PX_VA1.8, PX_VL1.8, B1.2VD - B12VS B12VS - A5V A5V_1, A3.3V CN1002 / CN1003 - SPEAKER CONNECTOR PIN 1 2 3 PIN 1 2 NAME R-OUT NOP R-REFERENCE NAME L-OUT L-REFERENCE 8-3 8 Wiring Diagrams CN5001 - Front control PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NAME GND GND A5V - KEY KEY GND - IR - LED_ LED_ GND SDA SCL INPUT1 INPUT2 GREEN RED Function Define - A5V Front control board poewr supply - KEY INPUT1,2/SDA/SCL Key control, from the memu, change up/down Etc. - IR Remote control signal - LED_GREEN/LED_RED Control the timing and stand by LED color CN4002 - Panel control PIN 1 2 3 4 5 NAME SW_inverter Ana_dimming PWM_dimming GND Sensor_Power Function Define - SW_inverter panel inverter control, about 5V - Ana_dimming panel dimming control - PWM_dimming panel PWM control, duty 40% ~ 90% - Sensor Power brightness sensor power supply 8-4

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