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Now downloading free:NOKIA NSM2-027

NOKIA NSM2-027 free download

Cell phone, GSM, Satellite phone - Nokia, Siemens, Samsung mobiles service manuals and repair information

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File name:NSM2-027.PDF
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Size:12 kB
Model:NSM2-027 🔎 NSM2027
Original:NSM2-027 🔎
Descr: NOKIA Mobile Phone Nokia_8850 NSM2-027.PDF
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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File name NSM2-027.PDF

CONFIDENTIAL 1 (2) Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No. SB-027/12.06.00 Technical Support, Europe & Africa NSM-2 NEW SERVICE SOFTWARE VERSION 3.11 New service software version 3.11 has been released for NSK-1/3, NSE-1/3/6, NSM-1/2/3 and NSB-1/3/6/7 products. Note: You cannot use DLL version 3.11 before WinTesla version 6.10 or later with dongle drivers is installed. This release of the WinTesla DLL is Y2K compliant. Changes made from version 3.01 to version 3.11: - Faultlog scanning speeded up - Support for NSB-6 and NSB-7 added - 6 digit dongle serial number support - Fixed band change problem during phone change - Menu Product/Initialise: - "Communication" selection can be used to set phone back to test mode without resetting phone - Menu Tuning/TX Power: - More accurate TX Power tuning values - Menu Tuning/AM-Suppression: - RSSI value format changed - Menu Tuning/RX Calibration: - Finnish 'Nro' (NSM-2, NSM-3 and NSB-6) removed - Menu Tuning/TX I/Q: - Amplitude or Phase Difference cannot be tuned out of range - DSP init after TX I/Q tuning added - Menu Testing: - Sleep Mode Test added - Call Simulation removed - Noise Sensitivity removed from NSM-2, NSM-3, NSB-6 and NSB-7 - Menu Testing/User Interface: - Two display tests added for NSM-2, NSM-3, NSB-6 and NSB-7 - Menu Testing/Audio/Internal: - Buzzer level maximum to 127 - Menu Testing/ADC Readings: - Hourglass shown during data reading - Menu Software/Phone Identity: - More informative error messages - Some validity checks added - File name is generated from IMEI when data is saved - "Add SIM" and "Clear SIM" buttons added dialog to allow manual entering of multi-index SIM-lock data NSM-2 SB-027 CONFIDENTIAL 2 (2) - Menu Software/Production Data Edit: - Product code and HW version editing is disabled for NSB-1 and NSB-3 - HW version edit for NSB-6 and NSB-7 phones disabled when using PKD-1 - Product Code and Basic Product Code checks improved - Menu Dealer/Restore User Defaults: - Market area is not s

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